Chapter 1

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Tord was staring to wonder if joining the army was a good idea. It might be a little late now, off course, since he was in the plane that was to arrive at his first mission.

The Red Army was t made to fight wars, though. At least none against humans. Monsters were their only target. Hunting them down was a job they took very seriously, ever since the outbreak sixteen years ago. Monsters were dangerous creatures.

Having scores to settle with the beasts, Tord joined the army, after spending seven months in a boot camp in England. He moved back to Norway, his home country, soon after. But that was only to go to the army base there.

It wasn't like Tord could go back to someone, anyway.

He somewhat wished he stayed in England. He had made friends there. But Tord was here, thanks to an old pal who was a commander in the army. That guy was named Paul, preferably Pau.

Pau sat across from the Norwegian solider on the plane. Hours had passed since the plane first took off. Tord knew they would land soon. Probably somewhere in the Norwegian section of the taiga, a forest covering most of the northern world.

Tord yawned, remembering how he had almost no sleep last night. The brief thought of just falling asleep right then was tempting, but he didn't know if sleeping in this situation was permitted. He wanted to leave a decent first impression.

The soldier watched with half-lidded eyes as Pau stood up was walked to the cockpit (A/N: writing that was AWEFUL). Tord hoped they were landing soon. Maybe if they were walking he could stay awake.

Now shaking, along with the rest of the plane, Tord was certain that the group was landing. Pau came out of the front of the plane to the back of the plane, mumbling to himself. Probably about the fact that he wasn't aloud to fly the plane due to 'reasons'. From what Tord had heard that guy had a rough past with planes.

When the plane reached its stopping point, Pau it was time to say some 'inspiring' speech. Personally, Tord thought he could do without it.

It went along the lines of "get your sorry asses of the seats and let's catch this soon-to-be dead bitch". A few people were surprised at the choice of his words but it was soon remembered that Pau had left the back without coffee that morning and everyone was tired beyond belief.


Countless hours later, Tord and the rest of the people (because he only knew three people personally in the entire base and only two of those people were here) were becoming even more tired. Still no monster.

It didn't come as a surprise to the majority of the group, they had all read the files. The only sightings of the beast were brief and tracks of any kind were uncommon. Tord knew this would turn out to be more of a scouting mission than a hunt-and-kill if the mission were to continue this way

Though Pau was hesitant to stop walking, the group found a camp site and settled down for the night. Tord was assigned to sleep with the only other person he knew in the group (which he was thankful for). Since the man didn't give out his name to anyone and nicknames were common in that particular base, the man went by the name of Zanta.

Why? The dude had an unhealthy obsession with destroying Christmas, almost a dead Santa. And that's about all everyone knew about him, so it turned into his name. Tord enjoyed this nickname, as did almost everybody else, except for Zanta.

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