Chapter 21: Dancing in the Dust

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Chapter 21: Dancing in the Dust

I woke to the irritating sound of the alarm, an insesitant beeping I never liked.

I groaned and slipped out of bed, knowing full well I had to fight in about ten minutes.

Mike was probably worried I'd jumped ship.

I groaned and slipped into a pair of shorts Ikea had given me.

The house was empty - everyone was already outside, waiting to see me.

Suddenly I thought of cock fights, and dog fights - even though we were only supposed to fight until one of us submitted, I thought for a moment I knew how hose poor animals felt.

I didn't bother putting shoes on.

When I stepped out, I was taken aback.

A new pack had arrived, surely.

People were crowded as thick as syrup around the corral, some sitting on lawn chairs, some on logs, some standing, some sitting on the dirt.

They parted as I rushed to the ring, trying to ignore the excited tension all around me.

Dog fight.

Quickly I rushed into Mike's shack, slamming the door and leaning against it, panting.

James was there, talking to Mike, although they were both silently staring at me now.

"Just remember what we discussed," James said quickly, rushing out into the corral.

Mike was grinning.

"Come here, girl - you have a show to put on."

I wondered at that a moment, but as quickly as the though shot into my mind, I was shove out into the ring, Mike following behind me.

I immediately froze up - so many people.

James was beside me, and he leaned over to whisper in my ear -"Don't worry. You'll do good no matter what place you get - you're their idol."

I shivered as his sweet breath caressed my skin.

The crowd cheered as Mike raised my hand saying loudly - "Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you Jessie, the last Pure One, rightful Queen of Shifters and champion of the people."

Mike went to James and raised his hand, introducing him, as if he needed it.

"And here we have James, fifth generation Alpha of the Ross clan."

The crowd cheered again.

My heart was pounding so hard I felt it shake through my entire body.

"Are any of you wondering why we've changed the order of fighters?"

A loud yes came from the crowd.

What was Mike doing?

"Well, some of you may have noticed. James has requested to fight her for the simple reason that he wants her to stay in the Anderson pack."

Confused silence.

"You see, James and this little spitfire are mates."

Shocked silence.

My jaw drops, and I snap around to glare at James, whom was grinning smugly.


I take a step toward him and Mike stops me - "Ah ah ah - fight hasn't started yet."

Oh, James was gonna get it.

The crowd's cheering had turned into a deafening roar - since they knew I was his chosen,I really had no choice but to join.

This meant I had to leave before I was finished learning.

I Mike flashed a flag between me ad James - before James even noticed it, I was shifting, ignoring the slight pain and shredding cloths.

Mike had made it clear that I was only allowed two shapes during this fight - human and wolf.

I was a wolf now, ignoring the shocked gasps from the crowd as they saw my flames.

James was a wolf now, too, much bigger than I.

When I saw him in the woods, he was smaller.

Duly I noted that he was in his war wolf.

We circled for a moment, then I lunged.

He dodged and nipped my flanks, a very wolfish grin on his face.

I growled and lunged again - his tongue grazed my side, and I twisted around fast enough to snap down on his tail.

He yelped and jumped away, with an expression so hilarious that I had to sit or fall, I was laughing so hard.

When I finally stopped laughing long enough to look at James, I really did fall over laughing.

He was sitting on the opposite side of the ring licking his tail with wounded pride.

The crowd was silent but tense.

I could tell this was very strange.

When I finally stopped laughing, James humphed and started towards me, stalking.

Despite my best efforts, I couldn't take the fight seriously after that.

For at least half an hour we play - fought; leaping and dashing and...playing.

But it couldn't last forever.

I was the first to get serous about it.

I lept onto his back and bit his ruff, attempting to drag him down.

No such luck; he flung me off easily, attempting to jump on top of me.

I dodged just in time, jumping up and missing him by barely an inch.

I take a step to the left and he takes a step to the right - jump at him and he jumps away.

A dance, almost.

Finally, we're both getting tired and slow.

I make a mistake and narrowly avid getting pinned - I slipped and he took the oprotunity, juping on me and trying to hold me down.

I push up with my hind legs and launch him off just in time, but the small exertion takes it's toll.

My wolf wavers - I don' t have the energy to keep it up.

I plop down in the dirt and shift back into a human naked and all,but I don't care.

James stretches on top of me, shifting into his human form, as naked as I am.

My body burns where our skin meets.

"" I gasp.

"Give up?"



He pecks me on the lips and grabs my hand to lead me into the shack before I come back to my senses enough to care.

As I dress, I can't help but feel a strange...conentness.

For the first time since my mother died, I had fun.

I leave the shack smiling.

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