Chapter 20: The Flaming Wolf

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  • Dedicated to Alice Borchardt, author of The Silver Wolf

Chapter 20: The Flaming Wolf

James was so....pleased.

His mate was very much amazing indeed.

His heart swelled with pride every time he looked in her direction.

He could only think of one reason why it might, but he gladly admitted it now.

His only problem was figuring out how to get her to feel the same way.

Seduction was going to be sweet.

The simple thought of binding himself to her for eternity with a simple kiss and an 'I do' was just too amazing a feeling to describe.

And he would, if it was the last thing he did.

And as painful as the thought was, if she left his pack, so would he, whether she liked it or not.

He saw her now, walking out of Mike's shack, perplexed.

So Mike must have told her.

He wished they didn't have all this war planning going on.

It would be much easier to seduce her if she was concentrated on him.

He almost laughed at himself - jealous of anything that got more of her attention than he did.

He took a deep breath and, with the memory of their kiss in his mind, went into the house to think awhile.

Mikes shed was small, but homey.

In one corner a wrack of tools hung - a large hammer, a rake, a hoe, and strangely enough, a short sword.

In the center was a rough table, round and made of cedar wood, much like the one in James' room.

Two rough chairs were at the table, where we were sitting, me on one side and Mike on the other.

Mike was edgy and silent.

I could see a debate going on in his mind.

Finally he spoke -

"Jess, my girl, let me tell you a little known fact. The world of shape shifters has had seen many wars in it's past. Not just the ones you were told about. You see, just like humans, we have our secret government too. In England, in the early 1660s, there was a war like nothing we had seen before. It was not a decent war against two races of beings, but a war of brothers, like the United States' Civil War. No one remembers the outcome, but everyone remembers the story of Mitchell the first, the heir to the throne of the Pure Ones. It was nothing then, just a manor in England that assured the Shifters of a spot in court. But the wealth grew, Mitchell's father was a very wise investor. One investment had to do with his son."

"What does this have to do with the war?" I asked, annoyed.

"Patience! I'm getting to it. Mitchell was in love with a woman, a human, and they were engaged. But Mitchell's father wanted a match for benefit so he betrothed his son to a rich widow twice his age. Mitchell didn't even like the lady, so he left, and married the girl he loved - Adiar. Human genes can make it where you can't shift. Hunters are part human, more than the rest of us. Anyhow, his father disowned him and the couple left England and went God only knows where for three years. Then the war started. Mitchell showed up at what promised to be the fiercest battle of all. The fighters all stopped, staring at the bright light coming from the woods to their right. It was that moment, just before the two sides met, that they all froze. Mitchell was a wolf...and yet not a wolf. his fur glowed a color most of them had never seen before, billowing around him like waves, at times floating off of him and disintegrating in the air. It was flames. His eyes glowed, and they seemed to look straight through every soldier, to his very soul. He walked the thin line, that line that barely separates the two sides. No one moved, no one spoke. Not even Mitchell - yet the shifters, both sides, heard him. It went on for days, Mitchell playing referee. If one shifter even looked at another, his side or not, in an aggressive manor he regretted it. Eventually, they worked out an agreement. The people would be separated as clans, and Mitchell and his heirs would play the referee. That is how the Pure Ones got the throne, and why the people want them back on the throne."

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