Chapter 4

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Chapter 4
It took three long endless days for them to get ready and by the final day, they were all more than ready to leave. To reach the far away lands of the Fallen. James left his household to his son and left him Instructions on how to treat the workers. He did after all care for them each in his own.
They each had a horse and also they shared a small wagon pulled by two other horses. The story was he was a rich old man going to his lavish summer home with his two favorite maids along to help him. With Alyssa and Luna surprisingly good at riding horses things were actually going quite well for the misfit group. The first hotspot, as they call them, was about 95 miles away about five hard day's ride on horseback. Both the girls were given riding clothes and a few nicer dresses than their own before.
Luna, of course, had to stare at everything as they went this was after all all new to her. This world was full of wonder and excitement and it was something that she didn't want to give up, but yet this place hated her. It was full of much evil and she could still sense the bitter taste of loss was still in the air and as these thoughts filled her mind nothing looked as bright as before, her best friends are gone. How would she tell the people when she got back?
While Luna feeling distressed and weighted down the rest of the ragtag group was feeling rather happy. Alyssa had never felt freer and James felt excitement course. He was tired of seeing the same old world with the same old people. He was ready for new and exciting.
The journey was going to be a long and hard one they could at least all feel that deep in the pits of their souls. A much ragtag group. One a Fallen, that wish to return home, the next a woman that had never had a home and wanted to start a new life freed from slavery, and, finally, an old man that wanted to return to a place that he once felt alive.
They have all sat around a burning warm fire whenLuna asks, "What is that creature with the red and white tail?"
James looked up at her his glasses skillfully perched on the tip of his nose, "I believe you were talking about a fox. Why would you ask?"
Luna smiled amusingly "Why there's one in Alyssa's bag."
Alyssa shrieked and turned to her bag and sure enough, a small fox had its whole body except its tail in her bag. Hearing Alyssa shriek it began to pull back quickly and a piece of dried meat dangling from his jaws. Alyssa was shocked and got up to chase the small creature, but when she got closer noticed it was bone skinny and crouched fearfully she stopped.
Looking down at the poor hungry creatures she picked it up and held her close to her chest. She sat back down at the fire feeding it small bits of meat. She rocks the small fox closely and smiles down at it as if it was her child. Luna's childish light left her eyes and a wise and soulful one took its place. "You are very good with animals."
Alyssa looked up at her, a smile gracing her face, "I suppose you could say that."
James and Luna shared a look. This was a new development. Could she be the one? Luna asked with her eyes.
James knew much the lore of Luna's people so, of course, he knew of the prophecy. Answering her back with only a look one that read, of course not.
Luna watched her tensely a part of her had a feeling this was the girl the one spoken of in the prophecy. She remembered it always as if it was a part of her maybe it was. Silently a voice inside of her sing the words, "A fall with the flick of wind lays in wait a hen. To drive peace or a burden, they must decide. Creatures calm she will apply a balm. Healing all wounds of the past a spell must be cast."
Luna's people dancing and praised the one that would unite the land of the shadows with the one at the light. If Alyssa was the person in the old songs then they must bring her to the Wise One only then would they know for sure. Luna knew with all her heart that Alyssa was the one. She was going to calm the anger of the lands and bring the people once again together.
Looking up at the young girl, Luna couldn't help but smile she held the small fox delicately as if she will protect it with her life. Alyssa must have felt Luna's eyes on her because she looked up at her a grin on her youthful face. She spoke with the tone of voice that was soft as the wind as was gentle as the summer breeze asking, "Would you like to hold him?"
Luna to feeling herself look up at the small creatures it's a big brown eye meeting her own in a soft way there was nothing animal about it. She knew it wouldn't hurt her and then looking down at her looking back at her friend once again she nodded a simple gesture. This made Alyssa eyes shining with light and enjoy. Getting she carefully but in a rush and she gently placed the young fox in Luna's arms.
She smiled down at the gentle creature and began to make funny faces at it much like you would be a baby. She rocked it and treated it with the utmost care. James lifted his eyes from his book and grunted, "Why not just an add another thing for me to have to pay for."
Alyssa crossed her arms, "Aw, come on he won't eat that much."
James flicked his eyes to the sky, "Of course, he won't"
Luna saw that the creature want to back to Alyssa. Letting it down she obeyed it wishes and allowed the creature to move back. Smiling she said, "He needs a name."
Alyssa looked up thinking and petting the small fox's head, "We will call him, Charlie."
Luna looks back at the creature and now named Charlie, "Yes, I believe that fits quite well."

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