The scars

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Heeellloooo everybody! Sorry it took so long to update, i was busy with other stories.

Anyway, please enjoy another chapter. And be sure to follow and comment. Thank you.

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The four brothers separated and looked over the youngest brother. He was small, but still kinda tall for his age.

A scar went from his forehead, across the his left eye and ended under his chin.

His cloak was slightly tattered, but was patched up over the years. But his bright blue eyes and kind smile were the only things that haven't changed.

Raph walked over to Mikey and placed a hand on his shoulder, "What happen' to ya little brother?"

Mikey's smiled faltered amd motioned for his brothers to follow him to the lab.

Leo pov==

My little brother motioned for us to follow, we did as he asked and walked to the large lab near the tree.

Mikey sat down near a Krangg computer. Donnie was amazed as to how Mikey learned to type on their technology.

A lot of symbols came onto the screen, until Mikey suddenly stopped typing.

"What's wrong Mikey?" I asked. Mikey just gulped, let out a breath and pressed one button. A video played on the screen.

"Krangg will proceed with the project called project mutant, by the orders of Krangg."

The video was recorded by a camera in the corner of the room. A table with straps meant to contain subjects was in the center of the room.

A door opened from the wall two Krangg bots came in with a battered and scarred Mikey.

I heard my brothers gasp at the sight of our little brother, he was slight bleeding around the left eye. The same spot where his scar was.

The bots strapped Mikey to the table, he lay there limp and unresponsive.

"Tell Krangg everyrhing you know about those called turtle mutants and human named April O'neil."

Mikey said nothing, his hand moved slightly, revealing a concealed nunchaku, the same weapon master had given him.

With a flick of the wrist, a kusarigama blade came out of the weapon. It cut the restraints and set him free.

The Krangg shot their blasters, but Mikey evaded them with ease. He swung his nunchaku, the chain lengthening to hit farther targets.

It was a blur, the camera blacked out for a few seconds, but by the time it came back on the fight was over.

Mikey ran out the room and off to escape. The video ended there.

I stared the computer screen, itbwas just unbelievable. Our baby brother was quick, calm and strong. He bettered us in every way.

Donnie POV

I was not one to be mad, but after what I just saw, i was past my angry limit. No, I was furious.

I looked over to my little brother, his eyes held no emotion, the bright blue dulled to a gray.

Leatherhead came in and sww that Mikey wasn't moving.

"Michelangelo," he said, "The past is over, be with your family again."

Mikey snapped out of his trance and stood up, "What did they do to you in there?" I asked.

Mikey walked over to Leatherhead and made some hand signals. Leatherhead nodded his head, "My friends," he said, "Michelangelo can not speak, so I will speak for him." Mikey made more signals.

"He says that he was tortured and experimented on for six years. He was taken from Earth and brought here." He paused for Mikey, "He was unintentionally given strange abilities, but he stayed silent as a sign of rebellion against revealing information about you."

Mikey smiled and walked over to the tree, he lifted his hand and closed his eyes.

Suddenly, the leaves fell off with a heavy wind. Then the leaves quickly grew back, but they weren't green. The leaves were pink, flowers grew on the branches. Kind of like a cherry blossom tree.

Mikey turned towards us and smiled again. I smiled back as well as my Leo and Raph.

But the quietness was interrupted by the shots of blasters outside. We ran out the cave and saw a small army of Krangg bots.

"Come that which is known as quietly, and pain will be minimal." One Krangg said. Mikey scowled at the bot and spun around his nunchaku.

We all charged at the bots. Leo cut up some with his katanas, Raph went crazy with his sais. I went ahead with my bo staff, but was more focused on Mikey.

Raph POV

I finished off the last Krangg and watched Mikey fight. He landed on the ground after doing a flip, while beating four bots in a row.

I hate to say it, but I'm bested by my baby brother.

I looked around to see that one Krangg was throwing something on the ground. A triangle portal came into view.

The bot ran through the portal. I sae my brothers, including leatherhead and Mikey run through as well.

I ran after them, but through the portal was the familiar setting of our home. The sewers of New York City.

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Sorry it's a little bit short, butbas you read I suck at fight scenes.

Thanks for reading. See you next time.

The Lost BrotherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora