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Juggie started a chat with Betts

Juggie: Betts you cant hang out with James!

Juggie: he's a player

Juggie: he has like 7 girlfriends rn!

Betts: stop I'm on a date! I don't need your opinion

Juggie: it's not my opinion it's facts!

Betts: he's not bad!

Juggie: he'll hurt you!

Betts: like you did?

Juggie: ...

Juggie: I'm sorry Betty...it's just that we didn't really clarify things and I was just confused and..I don't know..stupid?

                Betty blocked Juggie

Juggie: :(

ew ok before you say 'jugheads probably lying about the 7 girlfriends thing' let's just say he's not 😂😂

I'm confused on how to get bughead back together...does that mean they shouldn't?

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