Chapter 1 - Melbourne Australia

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Mom hands me the keys because she wants to talk to jack for a minute. I unlock the door and swing it open. This house is like paradise. I see all our stuff in the living room. I am so happy. I thought I'd never see my stuff. I was paranoid it would get stolen or something. But it's here. I run up the stairs and bring my suitcase. I pick the biggest room in the house. There is already a bed. I claim it. This room is mine. When my mother comes in she doesn't fight with me. She doesn't tell me I can't have it. Instead she just helps me bring boxes upstairs. In my new room I plan on re-putting up my Christmas lights around my room and my collages have to go on the wall too. I don't know how long this will be my room but I want to be as comfortable as possible. Maybe we can settle down.

" Mom what box is my penny board in? And when do you think my dirt bike will arrive, I saw some roads while driving that would look perfect to dirt bike down. When are our cars going to be here?!?!" I yell to her as I'm walking to the stairs. It's seems she is closer than I thought.

"Honey they were sent like 3 days ago they should be here in 2 days."

"Okay it's just school starts in a week and I can't go cruising to school with my mom" I say quickly regretting it.

To my surprised she brushed it off and made a joke about it.

"Why? What's wrong with riding with your old lady? You don't want your potential friends hearing me singing old song? And I don't have my car either. " We both started laughing. It's true, she loves her old music.

" oh yah" I say. How did I forget! But still she could have Jack bring me and that would be weird.

I start to turn away forgetting I asked about my penny board.


I turn around quickly.

"Your penny board is in the box in the hall that says outdoors.

"Thank you" I say. She smiles.

"Your welcome.

"No mom, thank you. I'm sorry about earlier what I said about dad, there isn't anywhere id want to be more than to be with you. I love you."

" it's okay. You were mad. I understand I love you honey."

"I'm going to take my penny board out and go exploring" she nods her head as I start to run up the stairs. I find the box and pull out my penny board. I go to my room and throw on my blue and purple stay rad shirt, my blue ombré shorts and white my vans. I grab the penny board and I'm out the door. I start skating down the street and I forgot to tie my hair up so all my curly hair is I'm my face. But oh well. I don't know these people so let them judge. I continue riding down, 10 minutes in and I am like 9 blocks away from my house. Finally I get wicked tired and decide I have to take a break. I sit on the side walk taking a breath. I'm sitting there about to text my friend Hailey when a car pulls up. I spring up from the side walk and wipe dirt off myself, I'm about to put my penny board down and start riding away but then someone gets out and starts to speak. . " um are you waiting for someone or lost or something" I don't look at there face because I'm an awkward human. And because if I look at them I might fan girl. I recognize the voice like I recognize the smell of brownies.

" uh" I can't manage to get much out. I recognize the voices as the rest of the people start to get out of the car. It's the Janoskians. Beau is the one talking to me, the others are just staring at me.

"No I'm not lost. I uh sorry I didn't realize I was in front of your house."

"It's fine. I just thought you were one of those scary fans who stalk us home." Beau says.

"No. I was just stoping because I got tired." Finally I look up they must realize I'm not making direct eye contact.

"Wow." Luke and Daniel say at the same time. They say it quiet but not quiet enough for me to not hear. I don't know what they are wowing about. I'm not sure if I should smile or look away.

I go with smile. The boys all stare at me like they've never seen a girl before.

"I haven't seen you around. Are you new here?" Jai asks eagerly with a smile on his face.

"Yah I just moved here today. " I answer back trying to not fangirl and to sound as friendly as possible.

"Again sorry if I came off a little blunt. I'm just weirded out about girls stalking us and I thought that's what you were doing. I feel like an idiot. " Beau says in such a sweet innocent way.

"It's fine." I giggle. "I would be a little weirded out if some random chick was sitting on the side walk outside my house. But I'm not anywhere close to fame so I wouldn't have to worry about that."

Beau laughs "so you know who we are?"

"Yah of course I know who you are. I mean that in a none creepy way. But yes I do watch your channel."

"Really? You weren't screaming, crying or asking us to sign things. You sure you are a fan?" Beau questions.

" I know how to hide my fangirlness I don't want to scare you guys away." I

laugh. "I'm not like most fangirls, I know how to hide that craziness."

They all laugh.

My phone vibrates in my back pocket. I check my phone it's just a text.

TayTay : hey boo, how's Aussie so far? Stalk the baes yet?"

I respond with : yah I'm actually with them. It's a long story but I met them."

Tay : " no you did not! Omg send me a picture. I don't believe you. You can't be! Omg send me a picture ASAP.

" hey sorry to ask you this but my friend doesn't believe I met you guys mind taking a picture with me?"

"Sure" they all say in-sync

We take the photo and I send it to Tay.

She text back and says

TayTay : "omg you are so lucky! I have to come and visit and maybe stalk them."

I don't answer. Instead I look up and smile at the boys.

" well I better get going but thank you for the picture. " I drop my penny board about to ride away when Daniel asks " what grade you in? High school right?"

"Yah, junior. "

" what school you going to ?"


"Us too, juniors and the same school. Hopefully we see you around." He says.

"Yah, hopefully." I smile and wave at them goodbye . They smile back and i do the same. I start riding down the street but I know their eyes are on me. James didn't speak but I could tell he wanted too. I want to look back but I know it would be awkward. I skate until I make it home. When I get home dinner is already done and I'm starving.

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