Chapter 5

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He left the bathroom withoutwaiting for my reply and went in the kitchen. He took off his jacketthen his tie and rolled up his sleeves. He looked incredibly sexywith his white shirt. His back was wide, his shoulders broad and hisarms so strong. His hair fell on his face while he knelt down to picksomething from the floor. I was standing there with butterflies in mystomach, tension building inside. I would have lingered on his hotbody all day if he hadn't turned around and looked at me as if he hadsensed my presence. As soon as I met his gaze I felt a shiver goingdown my spine. He had caught me staring at him, once again. I felt myface burning. I had to go away before he could notice how much I wasnervous and embarrassed. I turned around to go away, but his handgrabbed my arm. I felt a spark, a shock that ran from my arm to myshoulder. He must have felt something too as he retrieved his handimmediately...


"I...I can manage here. You can go back to work." I stuttered looking atthe floor.

"No.No cooking for you today with those hands. And your mind iselsewhere. I don't want you to get hurt." He cared about me. I felthappy for a moment, but then he continued.

"You'redistracted. If I let you, it will end that you'll set the kitchen onfire." He said smiling. I knew he was joking, but that last remarkoffended me.

"It'snot true. It was just an accident, and no I won't let you cook." Iinsisted. " That's my job." He looked at me surprised.



He took a few pacesbackwards and leaned against the table and then looked directly in myeyes.

"Giulia,I didn't bring you here to be our servant." "Iknow, but I need something to do. I'm bored. You know how quiet thehouse is while you and the boys are away. And time passes so slowly."I said my voice breaking. He looked at me; his gaze softened.

"Maybeyou should begin to study something again, do a course online orsomething." He suggested.

"No,I just need work. To meet people, to go out of here." He lookedstrangely at me but didn't reply instead he said...

"Goand rest. Leave the cooking to me for today."

I obeyed. Maybe he wasright, my fingers still burned like hell. I went in my room and laydown on my bed and began to think. I had decided that the next day Iwould begin to search for work. I knew it wasn't going to be easy, Iknew some Italian but I wasn't fluent, but I was good in English.Maybe since in Italy not everyone knew how to speak in English, Icould find a job as a translator. The next day when everyone wasgone, after breakfast I grabbed all the newspapers there were in theliving room and began to go through the adverts and classifieds.There were many jobs but none that I could do. Finally, after readingaround a hundred adverts just at the bottom, I saw that someone wassearching for a translator. They needed someone fluent in English. Ijumped up happily; I could be the one I thought. I looked at theaddress, and it was quite close to home. I decided to phone and seeif I could have an interview and ask exactly where this firm was.Later that day I went in my uncle's office again. He had returnedthere after dinner. I wondered how much work he had; he was alwaysclosed in his office. And I wondered also how come no one helped him.Ignacio and Raul both worked elsewhere. I knocked and as soon as Iheard his voice telling me to come in, I opened the door.

"Diegocan I talk you, please?" I asked shyly. He looked briefly at me,before returning his attention to the file he had in front of him.

"SureGiulia, come in. Just give me a second to finish this. Take a seat."I sat down in front of his desk, and I gazed at him in silence. Ilooked at his beautiful face just shaved, at his full lips whichmoved a little while he read silently and at his eyes who lookedattentive while he concentrated. I looked at his neck and at hisshoulders and finally at his perfect hands. He had long fingers withclean nails. I shivered while I imagined how would it be to betouched by those hands. How much I wished to feel them on my body. Ohmy God, I was getting totally insane. I slapped myself mentally andshook my head. I had to stop feeling like this. He must have felt mycontinual gazing on him as he looked up at me. As soon as his eyesmet mine, I shivered feeling my face getting warm. This man had theability to make me feel sensations that I had never felt before.Although I felt my heart racing so much I still kept looking in hiseyes. They were so profound and deep. I loved to get lost in theimmensity of their blue colour.

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