Chapter 3

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I cried while I prepared myluggage. The mother superior promised she'll do all she can to bringme back but I knew she couldn't do anything. I swallowed and tried tostop my tears. My desperation was in vain. I had to accept this newreality and try to be strong. I grabbed my luggage and without sayinganother word I left my room. I went down to give my farewell to allthe sisters and to the other children. No one knew what to say;theywere all too shocked to manage to speak. Only sister Mary talked, shealways knew what to say.

"Giuliayou have to be strong. Pray, God will help you and shall be with you.Write to me please, so we keep in contact. I have always loved you asif you were my daughter."

"Oh,Sister Mary."

"Andwhen you're older come and visit us, please. We will miss you a lot."

"Yes.I promise." We hugged tightly, and we cried together. I would havestayed like this forever if Mr Monforte's deep voice hadn'tinterrupted us.

"Midispiace,I mean sorry to interrupt but the hour has passed. There is no moretime we have to go."

Mr Monforte grabbed myluggage and put it in the taxi that was waiting for us. Then heinvited me to get in. I did although with my heart broken intopieces. The driver started the engine and began to drive. I turned myhead back desperately; I wanted to see the sisters for the last timeand the orphanage which has been my home. I felt very sad but Idecided not to look back. I had to make courage and look forward tothe future. I felt lonely like never before. Not only I had lost myparents, now I was losing also my only connection with the past, mymother land. I looked at Mr Monforte who was seated on my right. Hewas in his forties and had black grizzled hair and thin moustache. Helooked very serious, I wondered what my uncle looked like, was helike him? He felt my gaze on him and turned to face me.

"MrMonforte, I still think you came for the wrong person. I have nouncle and my father was American. There must be a mistake."

He smiled.

"Nomistake Signorina. Your uncle is called Diego De Santis; as I said,he's the stepfather of your father. Your grandfather married Diego'smother when he was just a child."

I felt more confused thanbefore, my surname wasn't De Santis and as far as I knew my fatherwas an only child.

"I'msorry sir, but I'm sure you're mistaken, my father's name was MichaelColeman and he didn't have any step brothers." I insisted. Hedidn't seem touched by what I was saying instead he looked at mestraight in the eyes and...

"Thereal name of your father was Angelo De Santis. He changed it when heescaped from Italy with your mother but the details will be given toyou by your uncle. Your uncle got your custody as he's the onlymember of your family still in life. You're 17 so still a minor, andyou'll be under his custody at least until you're 18."

Icouldn't believe what he just said. My father had escaped from Italywith my mum. Why? My God, what terrible secrets were hidden in myparents past? Mr Monforte didn't say anything else during the wholedrive and not even when we were on the airplane. I would have likedto ask something more especially about my uncle, but Mr Monfortedidn't look like a person who liked to talk much so I didn't ask. Ihad passed all those hours thinking, trying to figure out thismystery, trying to connect what had happened to my parents to the newthings I had discovered but nothing seemed to make sense. Whenfinally the airplane had landed in Italy I felt bad and agitated. Ifelt my stomach hurting, I was frightened to death. I didn't knowwhat was waiting for me. In less than 24 hours my life had beenturned upside down. I had to leave my country, my life and my father.Now I couldn't even go to cry on his grave. We found a limousinewaiting for us once out of the airport. We got in and about 40minutes later we stopped in front of an enormous house surrounded bya very large garden and by lots of fields. The garden was beautifulwith different trees and flowers. It was very well maintained. Myuncle was probably a very rich man, I thought and probably had a fulltime gardener who took care of the garden. There were many rosessparse all around the drive in. The same roses which my father usedto love so much. As soon as we stopped, the big gate opened up, andthe driver proceeded in till we arrived in front a big wooden door. Ilooked around as I felt the tension returning. I began to shake.Within few minutes I would have met Uncle Diego. Mr Monforte openedthe door and asked me to come out. The door opened, and a man cameout. For a moment, I thought it was my uncle but it wasn't. He wastoo old and looked more like a butler. Mr Monforte exchanged a fewwords with this man and told me to follow him. The interior of thevilla was amazing. Everything was so rich and of good taste. Theliving room was enormous. I have never seen so much elegance in mylife. I would have continued to gasp and stare at the beautifulfurniture and exquisite ornaments if Mr Monforte's hadn't interruptedme.."Giulia,please come this way."

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