Birthday celebration

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I recognized that voice and snapped out of the almost hypnotized state of mind.

"Emilia!" she yelled again and broke off the embrace.

It was Lisa.

"Lisa? Lisa you're here?" I yelled. "How did you know?" I had tears in my eyes.

"Damon called me!" She said with a triumphant smile on her face. I threw myself around her neck again and I felt how Damon tensed up again. I broke off the hug and threw myself around Damon.

"Thank you!" I mumbled against his neck with tears in my eyes.

Lisa was a part of my normal life, the part without any vampires, witches or hybrids. God that was an easy life!

"Come on, let's get you drunk!" Lisa smirked

"Good luck!" I heard Damon murmur.

Would I be able to hold my liquor better now? Sweet!

After a few shots, while we stood there by the bar-table; Lisa's and my favorite tune started blasting. We squealed, Lisa turned and the two of us stretched our hands in the air and headed for the dance floor, dancing with our hands in the air and with Damon on my tail. I laughed and really enjoyed the sense of relief this had on me; there had been too much drama in my life since I moved over to this little mystery town.

A slow song followed that song and Damon wrapped his arms around me. "Happy birthday, tesoro." I beamed up at him. "Are you okay? Hungry?"

I laughed. "Yes, I'm fine; no I'm not hungry! I've been eating and eating, drinking and drinking all day. I'm fine!" I snaked my arms around his back. "Everything is perfect when I'm in your arms."

He smiled. "I agree."

We all drew a tired breath when the last guest walked out the door and we stood there with a house in chaos; bottles and plastic-cups everywhere.

"Thank you for this amazing party Caroline." I hugged her.

"You're welcome!" she beamed her usual Caroline face at me as we grabbed a few of the plastic cups and threw them in the sack. I was glad to have her on my own for once.

"How are you holding up? Has he called you?"

She looked befuddled and then the smile faded away and the sadness beneath showed through. "Klaus." She stated. "Yes he called and I rejected his call a couple of times, then he hasn't been in touch."

"But what do you feel? We all know he's mad about you, but how do you feel?"

"I don't know." She sighed and slumped down on a chair. "It's just turmoil and havoc..."

I sat down next to her and put my arm around her shoulder. "Don't you think it'll be better if you talked?"

She sighed again. "It's strange; we have been terrified of 'ooh the bad Klaus' for so long." She even had a voice, making me almost smile. "And then when I got to know him as Tyler; I liked Tyler even better than I had before. Was that the real Klaus or was he just Klaus-pretending-to-be-Tyler?"

I gave her a weak smile. "I think you've just got to ask him."

"Yeah, I guess." She sighed and put on the peppy brave Caroline-face again and got up from the chair.

"We'll fix this tomorrow." I assured her and gave her a hug.

"Thank you Emilia." She whispered.

"Anytime." I replied.

* * * * *

Lisa stayed for a couple of days, once again inhabiting the pink room of horror that we all considered hers. It felt so good to have her around, she never asked me if I was okay or if I wanted to eat her and that was a relief.

Moving In (a Vampire Diaries fan-fiction)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin