Chapter Two

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Just a fact that I know some of you won't care. This story has been sitting on my phone as draft for 3 months and then BAM  I just decided to post it. OK bye

Namjoon wake up to the sound of ringing. He let out a sleepy groan before turning on the light lamp.

It's 5am in the morning. Who the hell calls at 5 in the morning? he thinks. 

He reached for his phone on the bedside table. When he saw the caller ID, he pull the blankets off him and sat up.

"Hello? Sejin hyung?"

"Namjoon ah. Listen. I need to you to wake up your other members. And wait for me there. Do you understand?" the man said it so urgently that he can't help but feel a little panic.

"Yes. But why? What's going on?"

"I'll explain when I get there. Be there in 30"

Before he have a chance to reply , the phone hung up leaving Namjoon confused. What could it be it that remit their manager callin him so early in the morning?

He tried to think of any reason why but he did as he told and went to wake the others. It took two force removal of blankets, a kick and a cuss from his Yoongi hyung, which he's expecting , before he got the rest of the members awake. After he successfully make a sleepy Jimin, who keeps coming back to bed after he repeatedly drag the younger out of bed,  washed his face to remove the sleepiness , he went to Taehyung's next. He knows that Taehyung is the last one that went home and he does not know what time the practice ended,  he hope that he won't have a hard time waking him up. But to he's surprised, he saw no one in the room.

"Taehyung ah" he called out in case he's in the bathroom but when he did not hear anything. he look around for last time before walking out of room.

Yoongi and Hoseok are already at kitchen, sipping coffee ,when he enter , smelling the breakfast the eldest member, Jin, cooks.

"Did anybody hear Taehyung went home last night?" he asked in no one in particular. He scroll on his contacts, looking for Taehyung's name.

"I fell asleep as soon as I hit the bed" Hoseok said with yawn. "Man, I'm so tired" he added while stretching his hands up.

"Did Manager Sejin say why the hell he needs to wake us up at 5am?" Yoongi asked grumpily having his sleep interrupted. It's supposed to be their rest day today. After months of busy schedule , they totally deserve it. It hasn't been 24hrs since their last practice end and here we go again, their rest being interrupted for a thousand times for whatever reason. So excuse him for being grumpy.

"Ani. He just said that he'll be here in 30mins" Namjoon frown when all he hears is Taehyung's ringback tone when he dial his number.

"Are you callin Taehyungie?" He look up and saw Jin looking at him while placing the breakfast he cook at the table.

"Ye. But its keeps ringing. He's not answering his phone. " He ended the call and just opted in texting their second youngest member.

'Taehyung ah. Where are you? Call me once you read this. '

He put his phone down and starts eating the  breakfast Jin prepare.

"Jal moke get sum nida  "

He receive a hmm from Jin as a reply. Yoongi and Hoseok starts eating as well. Jimin and Jungkook joined them after a few minutes. Freshly dressed and very much awake. Jungkook sit beside Namjoon while Jimin sat beside Jin.

" Where's Taehyung? " Jimin asked while looking around. Namjoon sighed. He forgot about Taehyung.

" I think he's not home yet and he's not answering his phone. My best guess, he's probably still at the practice."

"Till now? " Jungkook said incredulously.

Namjoon have no answer to that and he got to admit practicing till for 4am sound incredulous and tiring. And it's taehyung we're talking about. Taehyung is a bit perfectionists, knowing him as giving his best at practice and can recall dance steps as shown on this year's festa, he deduced that practice might end esrlier that expected but he can't quite figured why he's still not yet home.

"Maybe you should asked Manager Sejin about Taehyung" Jin suggest.

Namjoon nodded head in acknowledgement. But before he even pick up his phone, the doorbell rings.

Oh how I love cliffhanger but did that leave you hanging or suddenly made disinterested?

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