Chapter Twenty-Five: Freaky Friday

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Henry had insisted that Barry take Mineko on a trip away from Central City

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Henry had insisted that Barry take Mineko on a trip away from Central City. They had spent practically every waking hour taking care of him, ensuring that he adjusted to regular life as seamlessly as possible, and so they rarely had any time left for themselves. Barry had refused at first, but over time it became almost impossible to refuse his father's suggestion. The place he had chosen was Metropolis. A bustling hub even bigger than Central City. In fact, it was one of the biggest places in the world.

Mineko didn't know how to react upon seeing it. She had never witnessed so many people at once, nor buildings as tall as the ones that scraped the skies of Metropolis. Even the hotel was much fancier than she had expected. Walls of elegant cream blended beautifully with the hand-made furniture, and every window looked out on only the most colourful of places within the city.

This vacation didn't mean that Barry ceased his crime fighting activities though. They had only just checked into their hotel room when he disappeared from view. Mineko, without even wondering where he had gone, simply began hanging their clothes up in the nearby wardrobe. She knew he had a good reason for going, so there was no need for panic.

On the other side of the city Barry dashed through the streets. He had just helped put out a fire in Texas and was heading back towards the hotel. That's when he spotted someone very familiar. Superman was frozen in time like everyone around him - Deep blue tights hugging his figure and large 'S' displayed on his chest. His hair was slicked to perfection, as usual, and his eyes glimmered under the sun.

Barry would typically stop to greet the man but he seemed a little busy. Superman had just evacuated a building of workers from the collapsing structure and was currently speaking to the press. Barry thought it unnecessary to disturb he'd never been all that skilled in front of reporters.

Just as The Flash was about to leave something moved. The Flash froze. Nothing should be moving. He travelled faster than the speed of light, even a bullet would be left suspended in the air... He thought he was becoming delusional, but took a quick glance around the vicinity just encase. It was lucky that he did.

There, barely visible behind his limousine, was Lex Luthor. A device was clasped tightly in his hands that looked like a highly advanced gun. Then, a few inches in front of it, was a streak of light. It looked like pure plasma, or energy, but truth be told Barry didn't know what it was because in his world of paralysed mannequins it moved. With each passing second it flew further away from Barry, until he finally realised who the target was. The beam was heading right towards Superman.

The Flash was suddenly filled with dread. This was no doubt one of Luthor's schemes to kill Superman, meaning that ray was deadly to a Kryptonian. Barry lunged forward, making it to Superman's side mere moments before the beam did. He placed both hands on his friend's side and tried to push him out of the way but to no avail. Clark was too firm on his feet, and much too strong to be moved without consent.

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