Chapter Eighteen: The Diversion

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"Why isn't it working?" Barry hissed, fingers prying into the inner workings of Victor's circuits

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"Why isn't it working?" Barry hissed, fingers prying into the inner workings of Victor's circuits. "I'm sure that I've done everything right..."

Despite his certainty, Cyborg didn't show even a flicker of life. He was still completely shut down. Not even the small human part of his face would open its eye.

"He upgraded himself a couple weeks ago." Wally recalled, stepping towards the older man and shooing him away. "Lemme have a look."

Wally examined Victor's internal circuitry, looking for two specific nodes to cross in order to initiate an emergency reboot. "So... where were you when this was happening, Dick?"

Nightwing was sitting on the pizza stained couch, checking over Starfire for any serious injuries. He frowned. "They knocked me out before they left the tower."

"Oh, they ran into you? Well why didn't they just put you under Yan's control as well?" Wally continued.

"I was trained to resist negative temptations. Maybe she simply couldn't." Dick replied with an overly confident air around him.

Barry snorted. That was the most ridiculous thing he had ever heard. The sound sent Dick's already displeased expression into a scowl.

"It's safe to assume that Yan simply thought that he was inadequate." Mineko answered a little too honestly. "He lacks any special abilities that could prove useful in an attack."

This time, Barry's suppressed laugh came bursting from his throat. He wheezed, took a deep breath, then started laughing again.

"Hey! I could do some damage!" Dick snapped.

"Like hit a few lamp posts with those little stick of yours?" Wally cackled.

"They're called Escrima Sticks, Flash boy." Dick snapped back, and this seemed like enough to shut Wally up.

"Yan is not interested in your trinkets." Mineko explained. "It would make little difference to her."

"Yeah, right!" Dick said completely and utterly offended. "I've trained for years with these things! I know how to use them better than anyone else could even dream!"

Mineko shook her head. "Your knowledge wouldn't matter. When Yan's controlling you she can only use you to her own knowledge's extent. She won't know any of your training, nor how to use your weapons. It's why she targets Metahumans. Fighting with detailed techniques is far more difficult than just setting something on fire."

"Oh, so you're saying that my sheer amount of talent is too much for her?" Dick boasted proudly, his annoyance all but disappearing.

"I... suppose?" Mineko sighed. "If you want to put it that way..."

"I do." Dick smirked over at Wally who, though he had his back turned, could feel the man's smug expression directed towards him. "You might want to be kinder to me in the future. I am the leader of the Titans, after all. I could kick you out of the team if I wanted."

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