Chapter Eleven: Concrete Jungle

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Mineko was not a sympathetic person

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

Mineko was not a sympathetic person. It came with the training she underwent to become an Onna-bugeisha. She thought of nothing but the safety of the world, so she was usually completely oblivious to people's personal problems. That's why when she noticed that Barry was acting out of the ordinary, she was surprised in herself.

Barry, though she hated to admit it, was the closest thing that she'd ever had to a friend. Perhaps that's why she was so aware of his emotions... regardless, the reason didn't seem to matter anymore. It was distracting her from her duty, and so the most logical course of action was to eradicate it - meaning that she'd have to attempt to cheer him up.

The idea itself was already a horrible one. She knew nothing of this new world, nor of the people within it. She wasn't even sure where Barry worked. However, the overwhelming need to be rid of this guilt welling in her stomach persisted. After all, she was the one that brought up the 'Iris' woman, and that was exactly when Barry started moping.

In short, this lead her straight into a den of chaos simply called the 'mall'. People crowded the area in a chorus of voices; pushing, shoving, and most annoying of all, walking extremely slowly in front of her. It was a nightmare if Mineko had ever witnessed one.

Still, she persisted. Searching high and low for a certain herbal tea that often relaxed her nerves. Unsurprisingly, she couldn't find it. No one even appeared aware of its existence whenever she asked. Instead, she looked for something similar in consistency and scent. That was much easier to find. Assuming that the currency was similar to Japan's in her era, she left a single Ryo on on the counter (a gold coin with a square carved into the middle and kanji around the edges).

Next, and most difficult of all, was to locate Barry's work. Thankfully luck was in her favour that day. Mineko was wandering around trying to cover Central City on foot to find Barry; something she thought would be easy since she wasn't entirely accustomed to how large cities had become.

She came down the sidewalk of an extremely packed street. People were crowded around a police perimeter, which was covering a burning building. There was a young man wearing a strange yellow and red outfit, twirling his arms with such speed that two tornados sprouted from them and blew air up at the fire-engulfed apartment.

The flames were quickly doused by the hurricanes, and the crowd erupted into applause. The teenager had a smug smile on his face as he bowed and nodded. He wore a mask that showed only his red hair, eyes and lower face. Despite this, Mineko instantly recognised him as Wally West, Barry's young friend.

"Thanks Flash Boy!"

"His name isn't Flash Boy, it's Speedy!"

"Its Flash Boy you idiot, I know what I'm talking about!"

Wally sighed heavily and dropped his head in response to the conversation being had in the crowd.

Mineko shoved passed everyone to the police perimeter, and was greeted by an officer. "Sorry ma'am you can't--"

Escape Velocity // The Flashजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें