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"You'll be okay right?" Mom questioned.

"I'm still not happy about this." Dad grumbled.

And then I sighed. "Listen, I'm not exactly going to like this either. The whole good and evil thing works, Nemesis likes things balanced and you can't get more balanced than a hero and a villain. But this might keep them off of you for a little bit."

"Just stay safe okay honey? You're the only thing keeping us sane. Literally. And call if you need anything. But I'd call from outside of wherever it is." Mom stood up and pulled me into a quick hug.

The moment she released me, Dad pulled me into a hug of his own holding me close to him.

"Stay safe. Please." He mumbled lifting me up so I was at eye level with him.

"We both know that won't work Dad." I smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek.

He sat me down and pressed a kiss to my forehead. "Try sweetheart. You make me happy and I feel so much more sane. I don't want to lose that...I don't want to lose you."

"Don't worry. I'll find a way to stay alive." I smiled and hugged him one last time before walking over to the door.

Before I left, I paused and looked back. "Stay out of trouble would you?"

And then I started towards the meet up point, my bag of clothes slung over my shoulder.

I was about halfway there when...


I stopped in my tracks and looked to my left where...


Why is he here?

He smiled at me and walked over trying to wrap an arm around me.


He froze. "Don't what?"

I sighed. "Did Dad not tell you? I don't like being touched."



"I'm your brother Percy, I should be helping you with this."

I bit my tongue at the response that came to mind. If...if they cared...if our dad cared...

Why couldn't he have protected me...protected Mom? Why...why did what happened happen?

"What do you want? I'm kinda busy here." I tapped my foot, glancing around.

Triton may be a god, but this is still Gotham. No telling when a shooting could happen.

"I wanted to see you. Dad seems worried...and that makes me kinda worried too. Last time he was this worried was during our war." He stared at me, seeming to scan me for injuries.

"But why are you worried about me? I'm just a bastard remember?"

"For one I never called you that. Two...I was mad okay? Dad was always focused on you, still is honestly. I hated it. I couldn't understand why he would care so much for someone who is just going to die someday. But...he said something... something about he wished he could have protected you better. And I realized..."

He paused a second, running a hand through his hair. "He cares so much because he will lose you. And...That I'll lose you. Me and Kympoleia... don't exactly get along. Because we know we have a long time to fix our relationship. But you? We don't have that and...and I want to be a good brother."

"Heya doll. Why you hanging out with a guy like him? You could be with someone like me." A man slurred trying to grab my butt.

But Triton was faster, twisting the dude's arm behind his back.

The Masquerade (Fem. Percy YJ Crossover)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora