14 •• One More Step Closer or Farther? ••

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A/N: i do need to apologize if you are ever confused about the plot or if you feel like the plot is moving too fast, i'm glad that alot of people seem to like it though, even if it's bad in my opinion. That's all i have to say! Enjoy reading

"ash.. who's mahiru?" sayaka once again repeated, his eyes narrowing in worry and confusion. ash felt his blood run cold-did he made a mistake? "ASH!!" his eve called out to him louder when he didn't respond

he shook his head and pushed sayaka away "no one, no one imp-" he couldn't finish his sentence, in the middle of it ash could feel his throat feeling as if it closed up, he choked

he couldn't say that

not about him

sayaka's worry grew as ash's panic expression grew worse, what the hell, what the hell is going on?! who the hell is mahiru? he opened his mouth and tried to say something, anything really, but-

someone is calling them

sayaka stayed silent as he watched ash pull out his phone from his pocket after flinching in surprise from the sound, why is his hand shaking? why, why, why-


"i need everyone here tomorrow night" before ash could reply he hung up

both ash and sayaka look at each other. the human's expression showed that he wanted to ask the servamp so much question

who is mahiru?

what is your relationship with them? what are they to you?

why did you said their name with such pain? why are you making such a pained expression?

why can i feel such despair from you?

but he couldn't bring himself to ask anymore "...i made dinner" he decided to say with a whisper, ash noticed how small sayaka's voice was and he mentally cursed himself for being the cause of it, doesn't he owe sayaka answers by now?

but he couldn't bring himself to say anything

through out dinner he couldn't say a full sentence to sayaka without the risk of him nearly breaking down. sayaka didn't question him when he turned into his cat form after dinner, he didn't questioned when he curled up in the corner of the room, he didn't question him when he refused to move the rest of the night

he didn't question him the next day either

and it's his fucking fault


taiyo placed his phone unto the table, he had already contacted everyone of the eves and servamps. "are you sure it is wise to tell them this soon?" someone spoke from behind him "they haven't even been in contract for a month.."

"i can't risk anything, you know i can't risk anything dammit!!" he leaned forward to bury his face unto his hands

"you're frustrated"

he knew he was "..this whole thing is a whole goddamn mess... and who knows when that damn traitorous duo will come back.." the ghoul growled out in frustration "and with this latest development..." they have found out a few new things about the servamps, but honestly, it brought on a new bigger question, why did the creator made it like this?

"sometimes.. when i hear about their creator... i would think to myself that he is the biggest sadist to ever exist"

carter shrugged "that can't be too far from the truth, after all he did somehow made 'True Eves'" he took out a piece of paper as he spoke "it takes a special kind of mad to create something like this"

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