5 •• Painful Meeting ••

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((A\N: the song doesn't belong to me. i'm suppose to update MSC but this was just to fun that i couldn't stop writing :3)) 


"do you really think this will get the onsen more customer...?"

"of course! after all, I cannot betray the expectation of my eve!"

"hm..? I don't think you can ever betray my expectation.."

"...is that really what you think..?"

"why would I say otherwise?"

"..heh! I'm glad you think so too! remember to trust me alright?"

"yeah, alright"


"·····!! ·····!! ····· please!! w- wa- wake up!! p- please!!" small bloodied hands continued to relentlessly shake the bigger body slumped against the wall, his bloodshot eyes pouring tears he didn't even knew he was shedding "why!? why did this have to happen!!"

his small body was shaking, his breathing was ragged "p- please.. please be alright.."

the pale hand that belonged to the body full of bullets raise and he gently wiped away at the tears falling from the eyes of the brunette "w.. hy....? are.. yo... u.. cry... ing?" he asked, his voice was low and tired, and it made the vampire flinch and sobbed harder "are.. y... ou.... hu.. rt...?"

"I'm fine!! you're the one who's hurt!!" the vampire shook his head frantically, hating the fact the hand that was wiping at his tears was so cold "you're...! you're hu- hurt.. because I wasn't there.. because we weren't here... i- I betrayed your expectation.."

the blonde stayed silent, his dazed eye searching for the red eyes that belonged to a nearly broken vampire "wha.. at... did.. yo... u.. do..? tha.. at makes.. yo.. u... ever.. thi.. ink... that..?" he asked, pure confusion in his voice

the vampire gasped sharply, he opened his mouth to say something when the blonde cut him off with a small smile "there.. is not... hing.. you could... do.. that... wou.. ld... bet.. ray my.. expectation..."


hanabi smiled brightly as he finished his explanation "alright!! now that everyone knows the rules and what to do.. please separate to the groups you are in" he then turned towards the eight people behind him, four of them them holding a number "go to the person who has your groups number! then, we will begin the tour" as he said this hanabi hold up a number "everyone who's in mine and taiyo's group can come closer" then he looked down on the schedule in his hand

hanabi didn't even looked up as five people gathered around him, his gaze was still on the clipboard "all right! now that all of yo-" as he looked up, his breathing came to a sudden stop, his grip on the clipboard goes slack "no way..." he muttured, feeling something akin to terror in his vein

the brunette of the group tilts his head "are you feeling well sir?"

"i'm worried about what will happen to them.."

the raven haired scowled openly at hanabi "it's because you're a damn demon aren't you?"

"you shitty demons need to stop talking nonsense!"

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