Six Months

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The city with fast lanes, a city with even faster lives.

With places so alive even in the middle of the night, always welcoming people with the biggest of the smiles, one could conclude that the Capital never sleeps. From small, dark passages to the wide, speeding tracks, you'll find the traces of aliveness everywhere. Dull and mundane doesn't sit well with the city. Even after being referred to as the most populous metropolis in the world, it has a cordially organized governance. The laws and the rules laid by the government are rarely flouted as the punishment is severe. Beijing- the Land of the Dragons is known to be one of the oldest cities in the world where one can find a perfect combination of both the ancient and modern architecture. From old temples to the magnificent skyscrapers, from the natural landscapes to the man-made amusements, the city truly is a beauty. Not that the other cities in the world aren't, but there's just something..something about this place that charms you the second you enter it.

A strange, some weird yet comfortable kind of peace in the air.

Baekhyun stood by the window for another few minutes, eyes watching the summer sun slowly making its way up. Bright red and orange hues illuminated the vast sky and splashed the clouds with endless rays of pink, creating another gorgeous scene. Birds chirped their morning song, an explicit background melody that the male liked to listen to for some reason. It always calmed his racing heart. An easy breeze picked up, caressing his face and softly blowing his strands. The sun had now fully revealed itself, warming up the slightly chilly day and Baekhyun stared at the glistening sky. The rays were burning his eyes but he doesn't look away. He doesn't plan to either. He had been waiting for it to take over the haunting night, to lose himself in the light instead.

"Same dream again?"

Baekhyun removed his hands from the window pane and turned around to find his cousin, Kim Jongdae leaning against the door.

"Yeah," the brunette breathed out. Jongdae looked a little alarmed after hearing the reply, making Baekhyun chuckle softly.

"But don't worry. I am okay." The reply was hard to buy but still the other nodded and smiled.

"That's good to hear. Now come out and have breakfast or else Minnie will be here to feed you! And I absolutely am sure you don't want that, do you now?"

Baekhyun laughed and shook his head. Kim Minseok, Jongdae's boyfriend was an absolute angel but whenever he was on his mother-mode, there was just no way in hell you could win against him. He could make you feel like shit if you don't listen to his words. He had the strength and the knowledge to give a lecture on anything he deems as unfit and unhealthy for you. And yet if you do not oblige, well, then get ready to say goodbye to your life. As the time passes by, Baekhyun realized that Minseok was just like Kyungsoo, all cute and kind, yet very dangerous at the same time.

"I'll be there in five."

Jongdae gave him a thumbs up and closed the door behind him. As the sound of the door locking reached his ears, the brown-haired man rested his frame against the wall beside, sighing deeply. He wanted to believe in Baekhyun, he wished he could believe that his cousin was okay. But he couldn't. He wanted to stop having these dreaded thoughts when every morning he sees Baekhyun standing by the window and spacing out. It scared him so much. So much that he was this close from banning the other to even stand like meters away from it. Minseok had smacked him hard on his head once he came to know about it, muttering along how stupid he was. But can he really help it when every time he closes his eyes, it feels like he is living that horrible dark night again?

"Mr. Kim Jongdae?"

The said man rose from his chair immediately and dashed to the doctor with a frantically beating heart. Minseok, who was sitting right next to him stood up too, following the former.

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