"Mrs. Peterson I just came to talk to-"

"Shut up and get out of my house before I call the police and tell them you tried to rob us!" My eyes widened.

"You're insane, why can't you just let us be together!" She looked in my direction and slowly walked over to me and laughed at me. Her high heels gave her the advantage of being taller than me and much more intimidating than usual.

"Because you are trash Styles, your family is trash, your mother, and your sister." She shook her head. "You will never amount to anything and you'll just drag my daughter down." I looked over at Emily who stayed quiet. "Now get out of my house!"

I pushed past her and left, feeling a bit upset that she put me down like that. I knew I didn't come from money, but I had never felt so down on myself and felt poor.

Addison's words played in a continuous loop through my head for years as I worked my ass off in school, eventually leaving to the states with her daughter was just maybe a way to get back at her and her pathetic excuse of a father.

The first night Emily decided to call her mother was after we fought so bad that she had thrown a shoe at my eye and caused my eye to swell and turn black. This was when she'd feel guilty after hurting me. Before she'd cry and apologize right away, saying she didn't mean it.

As months turned into two years, she said sorry less and less.

"Mother I'm not this person, he just makes me so mad." She cried into the phone. "No you're not listening, why don't you want to talk to me?"

I never knew what her mum would say but every time they spoke, her punches would get harder. Her aim would be higher, and her words would sting more.

End flashback

"Harry?" I turned my head to look at Marlene's eyes. "You okay?" I nodded.

The judge spoke to Addison and then slammed his gravel down. "Court dismissed."



At home, Harry sat on his chair in the living room with one of my eye masks over his eyes. He had his head leaned back and took deep breaths. I walked in and sat down beside him.

"I can't imagine how you would react if she wasn't found guilty Harry." He smiled gently pulling the mask off.

"I'm so happy Marlene, I feel so much- relief." He pulled me in and began kissing my small bump. "I love you." I hugged him tightly. Small footsteps walking our way made me pull away as Oliver came into sight. Harry smiled big and opened his arms. "Come here, my baby!" Oliver, having no idea what kind of stress his dad was under, ran and hugged him.

"Daddy, happy?" He asked Harry.

"Yes baby, I'm so happy." He kissed the top of his head. "You know what, we're going out to eat and celebrating." He looked up at me. "What are you craving?" I tapped my lip and thought for a moment.

"I really want some Italian." He nodded looking down at Oliver.

"Ollie, spaghetti?" He smiled big, as Harry said spaghetti the way he says it.




Today I was five months pregnant. Time was going by too fast. Fast, but amazing. Since the trial, Harry and I have been amazing. With his therapy, getting help for his years of abuse, he had been learning how to love himself again more than before.

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