she flashed a smile, "thank you! are you ready to go?" she asked. i quickly nodded my head. selena then backed out of my driveway and headed onto the main road.

"your house is beautiful." selena commented while keeping her eyes on the road. i smiled, "thanks."

"you're welcome. so what's it like living outside of paris?" selena asked in a curious tone.

i didn't even hesitate to tell her the truth, "it's definitely different from living in a surburban neighborhood. but it's very..... peaceful and quiet. i actually enjoy living a secluded area." i admitted with a smile.

i heard selena sigh, "must be nice..." she mumbled but to where i could still hear it. i assumed that selena lived in a suburban area.

i raised an eyebrow, "you don't like living in a suburban neighborhood?" i asked while looking at her.

she shook her head, "girl, no. i don't like having neighbors. my parents always force me to go to parties and fancy outings with our neighbors and their children. on top of that, our neighbors are very nosy." she explained

i definitely understood where selena was coming from. when living in a suburban area, you have a lot of neighbors. they're fancy parties or block parties almost every weekend. it gets tiring and boring. especially when your neighbors invite you to dinner all the time. don't get me wrong, i loved my neighbors but in vancouver it was exhausting having to go to parties all the time.

we were soon stuck in traffic while in the middle of paris. selena decided to play some music. i looked around to see people walking up and down the streets. it was a beautiful sunny day. not one cloud was in sight.

selena let out a frustrating sigh, "i hate paris traffic!" she shouted with a flared nose.

i chuckled, "you and me both."

i heard many honks coming from many different cars that surrounded us. i could hear people yelling in french. i figured that they weren't saying anything friendly....

after thirty minutes, traffic was finally clear of it's congestion. we ended up in front of an enormous restaurant. cars were everywhere in the parking lot. it took selena a few minutes to find a parking space. she eventually found one.

we got out of the car and made our way towards the restaurant. i noticed that people had an option of sitting inside or outside to eat. we headed inside. as soon as we were inside, i heard sounds of laughter and conversating. as we were heading up to the register, people gave us looks. some boys were smirking at us. i shook it off and stood by selena.

a young looking woman who was standing behind the register smiled as us. i could tell that she was going to be friendly. "hi! what can i do for you two ladies?" she asked

selena smiled, "can we please get a table for two outside?" the lady checked to see if there was any spots available outside. i was hoping there was because it was full outside.

she looked up from the paper and smiled, "you guys may! follow me." she came from the register and lead the way. she opened the door for us and led us to an empty table. we both took our seats while she placed menus in front of us.

she grabbed a pad from her pocket. she grabbed the pen from her pocket and placed it onto the pad. "what would you ladies like to drink?" she asked.

i looked down at the menu to see there were a variety of drinks to choose from. "i'll have a sweet tea please." selena said. "me too." i said.

"alright. i'll be back in a few minutes with your drinks." she said then started walking back into the restaurant.

selena and i scanned through our menus trying to figure out what we wanted. i noticed that this was a luxurious restaurant. the prices of the food are very expensive. i almost choked when i saw the price of a large pepperoni pizza.

"so what do you want?" selena suddenly asked making me look up from the menu.

"i think i want a small pepperoni pizza." i said. selena quickly smiled, "me too." i noticed that the waitress was heading our way. she had her pad and pen ready.

she came up to us, "alright what would you guys like?" she asked looked at the both of us.

"we'll have a large pepperoni pizza." selena commented.

the waitress scribbled onto the pad, "alright. i'll take these." she grabbed both of our menus. she smiled, "you're pizza will be here shortly." she then walked off.

"thank you!" selena said.

after about five minutes, the waitress came out with a pizza that looked scrumptious. we digged in and started talking about random, interesting things.

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Bleacher Report


FC Barcelona announced earlier today that 25 year old forward Neymar Jr. will be leaving the club. Neymar informed Barcelona on Wenesday morning that he intended to leave the team to join Paris-Saint German, which has reportedly agreed to pay the €222 million release clause fee to acquire Neymar.

 Neymar informed Barcelona on Wenesday morning that he intended to leave the team to join Paris-Saint German, which has reportedly agreed to pay the €222 million release clause fee to acquire Neymar

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The transfer will leave Barcelona flushed with cash but down one superstar. Neymar player along with two of the best strikers, Lionel Messi and Luis Suarez. They were known as the best trio in the world. Neymar joined Barcelona in 2013.

Neymar who also plays for the Brazilian national team, will not participate in training sessions with Barcelona despite remaining under contract with the team until the transfer to PSG is complete. If the transfer goes through, "it will more than double the world record transfer fee."

sorry this is so boring but hey at least i updated! hope you enjoy! chapter three will be coming soon.

thanks so much for reading:)

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