Love Overcome All

Start from the beginning

Fearful that the man who was once her husband hurt her in a way that made her bones rattles but, despite it all, she never stopped thinking about him day and night, she can't stop loving that fiery man. But will they go back to the way they were? Will he make up the decades she spent alone? She most certainly doesn't know.

But the look of shame and guilt are written on his face and that's something she is not used to seeing on her husband. She was about to open her mouth to respond to him when Ernesto made an appearance.

"Give me the photo NOW!" Miguel, Emilio, and Hermosa have gasped in shock when they saw Ernesto is holding the twins in vice grip as hostages.

"NO!" Emilio took a step.

"GET BACK." Ernesto forces to tighten his grip that causes the twins to twitch in pain and they can hear a painful crack of bones. Emilio froze in his place fearing for his dear brothers.

Ernesto drags the twins around the Rivera family while using them as a shield. He continues to drag the twins till he reached to the edge.

Ernesto looks absolutely crazy. Any wrong move he may do great harm on Oscar and Filipe. The twins feel embarrassed and angry for getting themselves caught but mostly scared for not knowing what will Ernesto is going to do them? The guy murdered Hermosa for her songs but the real crazy part that he believed that Hermosa betrayed him for choosing family over him.

The guy is so self-centered.

"Hand me the photo and the boy and maybe I will release them." His voice is full of threats and there is no promise in his voice for releasing them because no matter what it takes he will harm them in any way if he doesn't get what he wants.

Hermosa had her hands-on Miguel's shoulders, letting her motherly instinct to protect the young Rivera from Ernesto but she is extremely worried for the twins. There was never a grudge between them ever since their arrival to the Land of the Dead.

They met from time to time spending time together, chatting about everything that happened in their time when they were alive or remembering funny moments where they burst into full-blown laughter.

Hermosa loved them as if they were her brothers. Much better brothers than Ernesto.

Right now, they are in trouble. Giving him Miguel and her photo is not an option but nobody wants to see the twins suffers.

Then, out of the corner of her eyes, she sees Rosita positioning the camera toward Ernesto and Victoria pressing the button so that the whole audience can see Ernesto of what he truly is. Then, it got an idea that will save Miguel and the twins. She let go of Miguel and she slowly walks toward panicked Ernesto.

Ernesto saw her coming toward and he pressed his hands on the twins as they cringe in pain.

"I said get back!"

"Easy, Ernesto. Please, just let them go they have nothing to do with this."

"EVERYTHING to do with your family is involved. I won't let you or any of you jeopardize my legacy that I've worked so hard to achieve my dream." Then, Miguel's face twisted in disgust and hate at his once idol and hero and he sneered.

"You didn't achieve anything! Hermosa is a true Musician. You're just a guy who murdered her and stole her songs." The revelation has got the audience shocked and horrified.

Nobody has thought that their beloved idol could do such a heinous act but they are witnessing on a big screen, holding the twin's hostage, and threatening them so he can save his career and reputation.

They are simply upset.

"I'm Ernesto De La Cruz, the greatest Musician of all times. I will do whatever it takes to seize my moment...Whatever it takes!" Then, Hermosa saw that look in his eyes and she knew what he about to do to the twins. Summoning every ounce of her strength she dashed so fast that Ernesto didn't see it coming and she bite Ernesto's forearm as he screeched in pain and making let go of the twins.

Filipe and Oscar managed to escape but Ernesto in his blind fury pushed Hermosa down and he starts to strangle her as she chokes for her breathe. Emilio saw it and quick as lightning he pulls his fist and punches Ernesto's face.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF OF MY WIFE!" Hermosa quickly crawls away from Ernesto and watch her husband and former brother swinging their fists everywhere. But Ernesto shoved Emilio off of him and he turns his face toward Hermosa with eyes full of hatred and promise of hurt, and he advances toward her as she gasped.

However, Ernesto could not reach her because Pepita landed just between Hermosa and Ernesto as the mighty Alebrije roared right at Ernesto's skull. The man fell and whimpered like a child as Pepita loomed over him, snarling and baring her sharp teeth at the coward that dare to hurt his Master's wife. He will pay for this.

He snatched Ernesto by hind legs as the skeleton man screamed and calling for help. The audience is applauding to Pepita and watching in eager satisfaction as the fraud and the murderer about to get what he deserves.

Pepita played roughly on Ernesto like a ball of yarn and then she kicked him offstage and sending him flying to his doom, and his doom is a big golden bell.

Ernesto collided onto the bell and the force of the impact caused the base of the wood that holds the bell together to break, it rumbled and roared as the bell fell on Ernesto with a loud bang.

What a cruel irony to die by the bell...twice.

The Rivera family did it. They saved the photo, the saved Miguel, the twins are safe, and Hermosa is safe from Ernesto. Emilio looks at his wife with relief and love in his eyes and he darts toward her and cupped her cheekbones.

"Hermosa, you could've got hurt but you saved my brothers I 'um',"

"I love them as brothers just as you love them as well." Emilio sighs in relief, he clearly remembered how protective of her family, and he was really glad. Then, he felt his hands that touched her cheekbones are being touched. He opens his eyes and sees she has her hands on his hands as she smiles warmly and lovingly to him and then she said.

"And Emilio. I love you and I still love you and what happen in the past is in the past. For now, we have decades to make up for." She had forgiven him so easily that Emilio felt tears are forming in his eyes, filling him with relief and joy.

"Thank you, Hermosa."


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