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Charlotte's POV:[MONDAY]

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Charlotte's POV:

"So, how did your little date with Sweet Pea go?" Veronica asks, as we walk towards my locker.

My eyes widen and I can't help but blush. "H-How did you know about that?"

"Betty told me. Now spill." She demands excitedly.

I hold my books tighter against my chest. "It was really fun. The Serpents are great."

She rolls her eyes. "Yeah, around you, and I bet that's only because of Sweet Pea."

I just shrug, cause she's probably right. I've seen the Serpents around other Nothsiders and they aren't so nice to them.

"Was there any, oh I don't know, kissing involved?" Ronnie smirks down at me, now wiggling her eyebrows.

My cheeks become even redder and I look down at my feet. "Maybe." I mumble.

Veronica squeals and grips my arm. "That's so amazing! You guys are definitely the cutest couple at this school-"

"We aren't a couple yet Ronnie." I giggle, as I put in my locker combo.

"Not yet hun, not yet." Something behind me catches her attention and her smirk returns. "Speak of the devil. I'm gonna get going, talk to you later Lottie." And then she's gone.

My eyebrows furrow in confusion, until suddenly I feel a pair of warm arms wrap around my waist from behind me.

"Guess who?" A deep voice asks.

I giggle. "Archie?"

The person grunts and squeezes my hips. "Try again."

I turn around in his hold and smile up at him. "I'm kidding, I knew it was you Sweets."

Sweet Pea raises an eyebrow. "You better have." He smiles and slowly leans down until our noses are touching. I close my eyes as his lips connect with mine. I wrap my arms around his neck and pull him even closer, feeling him smile against my lips as he deepens the kiss. I reluctantly pull away when I need to catch my breath.

"I will never get tired of doing that." He mumbles before kissing my forehead. I nod in agreement and snuggle into his chest, sighing in content.

"What the hell?" An angry voice suddenly interrupts from beside us. My head snaps up to see Archie's angry and confused eyes as he stands a couple feet away.

"Need something, mutt?" Sweet Pea asks coldly, wrapping his arm around my shoulders. I look up and frown.

There's no reason for him to be so rude.

Archie scowls. "Are you two like a thing now?"

Honestly, i'm not even sure myself.

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