Fun Facts

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Let us begin....

1. Crynia and Sam, in my original story idea, were long lost siblings. Oh, how that has changed...

2. This story was birthed from two separate ideas: the concept of immortality via jewelry (it was originally a ring that you threw in water or something like that), and the idea of a world of shapeshifters that didn't really mingle much. I think I got the last one partially from Teen Wolf. Sue me.

3. The wordcount of this draft tops out at 251,023 words. To put it in perspective, that's more than half the length of the entire Lord of the Rings trilogy. There'll be some serious condensing going on in the rewrite.

4. Naru's character crept up on me. He was originally just a 2D background guy who had a thing for murder.

5. I originally had bigger plans for Nelgin. He got scrapped. Oops.

6. Wren was actually terribly significant.

7. There have been days where I literally wanted to throw up reading my own story. It was bad. But hey, I made it, so you can too! *gives you an encouraging thumbs-up*

8. Nyle was originally just the guy who carried Sam to the physician's tent. Sad, right?

9. Chillian was cannon in the very, very beginning.

10. Did anyone notice how it just seemed to keep raining throughout the story? That wasn't random. You'll understand in book two. Hopefully.

11. The amulet was once blue/green. I changed it later.

12. Remember how I spoofed y'all with a fake chapter 18? I still have a version I wrote where Nyle's dad comes back.

13. I have several thousand words in scrapped scenes that didn't fit right.

14. A Carpenter's Tale is set in the same universe as TAON. They may intersect at some point, but no promises.

15. The next several books are going to break your hearts worse than this one did, but 3 will be the Infinity War of the series, if you know what I mean. You've been warned. X)

16. I don't write to music, usually, but there are several scenes that were inspired by songs, and I tend to correlate different characters or couples with different artists. For example, Crymoni is very OneRepublic, Nyllian is Ed Sheeran, and so on. I'd have to look through my playlist to pick out specific songs that inspired specific scenes and/or characters, but one I can think of off the top of my head is the scene after Cryn and Sam spar in the desert, when they're dancing in the arena. That one was Fingertips by OneRepublic.

And that concludes our show for today. *tips hat* See y'all in the next book! (Hopefully. XD)


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