Author's Note

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Hi, hello, it's me. I'm going to tell you my lovely writer story now, so buckle up. X)

Two and a half years ago, I joined Wattpad. I had never written a story (though I'd come up with plenty and acted them out in the backyard with my brothers). I had no idea where to start, but I'd felt this nudge toward writing, so I pursued it. I started and gave up on...oh, three, four stories? One of them ended up bleeding into this one in the form of names of the gods--Ahio, Avani, Dreail, and Pyralis (the fifth god got her name all by herself XD). Kiro's name also got its start there. Anyway. Yeah. It was a rough beginning, but a good one. A quarter of a million words and a lot of good friends later, I've finished the very first draft of my very first novel. Yes, I will be rewriting at some point, because yes, this story needs major work. XD Who knows? Maybe I'll even be published one day.

This story is brought to you by Heaven Production Services™ (yes, I just made this up, so if you Google it you probably won't find anything), and I owe the biggest thank you to my heavenly Father. He kinda...y'know...created me and stuff...soooo...XD Yeah. I am still amazed daily with the gifts He's given me, writing included. To God be the glory, amen?

There are a bunch of people I want to thank, but I'd like to start with jaypvie. You, dear friend, are the only thing that really kept me writing back then. I looked forward to your comments every new chapter I posted, knowing I'd be getting honesty, integrity, and humor. I still look forward to that, every time I update, and I've really, really missed you the times you've been gone. Here's to you, my first faithful reader and the one and only Predictapus Regina. Your intellect is truly dizzying, my friend. *raises glass*

Another person I'd like to thank is sarsar14. Yes, you knew you'd be here. I think the only thing that would prevent it would be if you got stabbed in the lung. *laughs head off* Ahem. Sorry. Inside joke. Anyway. Yes. You know most of my spoilers (you've forgotten most of them, but that's way more fun for me), and I probably would've gone mad without you offering your poor ears and poor heart to be shredded in advance. I am forever grateful. Also, it's meese. X)

Precious_Nkem is another of my very first readers. Thanks so much for sticking with me through this crazy thing called writing. :)

*sighs* I suppose I should mention the League of Crazy Spammers. Jk. Y'all are the best of the best, and you've kept me blissfully insane. We've grown quite a bit, eh? Some of us got off to a bit of a rocky start (you know who you are, and I love you tons XD), but hey, that's life, right? I am immeasurably blessed to have each and every one of you in my life, and the diversity and unity among us is awesome. Now, let's see if I can remember all of you properly:

kinglymosses (Thine doom was sealed when thou commented in the beginning)
Emperor_Toast (Hello, I know you're new, but you seem like the kind that'll be sticking around)

Feel free to smack me if I forgot somebody. X) Oh. And tag them. That too.

I do have one last thing to ask of you, as my readers, if you're willing. Would you give my story, the entirety of it, a constructive review? I don't want you to feel obligated to do this, because there will be no feelings hurt if you pass it up, but if you'd like to, that'd be pretty cool. :)

Stay tuned for Fun Facts!

Batman out.

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