Chapter 47

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Lillian led them through the labyrinth of stone halls that snaked through the city wall, all with windows facing inward, letting the light in. Nyle's hair caught the sunlight like gold, and his hand in hers was warm and calloused, his fingers twined tightly with her own as she pulled him through arch after arch.

She didn't know where they were going, not really. Only that she wanted to be away from prying eyes and listening ears. Somewhere to sort out the tangles between them that'd started with that kiss in the tavern and would end with the stone of these walls as the only witness to the words they traded. But where it would end, what would be resolved...

She slowed as they climbed a flight of deep-set stairs in a narrow hallway, leading up through shadows until they broke into the sunlight again, up on the weathered guardwalk. The wind coming off the sweeping sand was warm and strong, tugging at her robes, pulling her hair into wild snags as she raised a hand to block the sun. Nyle was silent beside her, the same as he'd been since leaving Chad's room.

There were a few guards up on the wall, armed to the teeth and draped in pale robes, hidden from the outlying sands by high crenels. One gave her an acknowledging stare, then turned back to scanning the red-gold shine of the desert.

On the corner of the wall, Lillian found her place of communion. A small tower-a guard tower, no doubt, but not used any longer, judging by the worn, crumbling look of it. It stood tall, pale against the blue of the sky, the terracotta tiles on the roof glowing pink and red and orange in the afternoon sun.

The guards didn't bother sparing either of them a glance as they made their way to the two-step rise into the tower. It was a little cramped, so they sat side by side against one wall, facing the desert, shoulder to shoulder and leg against leg. Lillian pulled herself up to be as small as possible. Nyle didn't seem to care.

The solid stone railing around them prevented a view of the desert, but the sky was on full display between the supporting pillars on the corners. Palest blue, swirled with cerulean, clear of any clouds. Lillian reminded herself to come up and stargaze when she found the time.

Nyle cleared his throat lightly, lacing all his fingers that were free from bandages, staring blindly at the wall. He wanted her to begin. Lillian took a deep breath, calming the nerves singing in her chest. And she asked the question that'd been eating at her consciousness since that morning.

"You said something to me in the desert, before you left." Her words were so soft that the wind threatened to snatch them away. She took a shallow, shuddering breath. "Did you mean it?"

A light touch burned her skin in the place where her shoulder met her throat, fingertips following the curve of her neck. Nyle wove his fingers in her hair, turning her head and bringing her forehead to his. She looked up at him, at his dark eyes, a soft blush dusting her cheeks rosy. "Every word," he whispered, the soft exhalation fanning her cheeks. She couldn't breathe, couldn't feel anything past the cloud of butterflies swarming in her chest, her stomach, everywhere. Nyle closed his eyes, taking a breath, and his eyebrows drew low, but he didn't move to pull away. "And I was scared, that day, that I'd lose you without saying it, without you ever knowing how I felt. It took you almost getting killed for me to get over that fear. And now-" He broke off again and breathed a shaky little laugh, drawing back. Her skin felt cold at the absence of his when his fingers slipped out of her hair. "Now I feel like I'm going to have a heart attack because I'm so bloody nervous."

Reaching between them, she took his hand, weaving her fingers around his and squeezing. "Nyle," she said, a smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. A strange feeling thrummed in her chest, something like joy and something like excitement. And hope. "Do you remember that night, the first we spent in Etniria, when you came to my room and very stubbornly tried to convince me to let you go if you were found out?"

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