Chapter 10: The Mistake

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Jack seemed to grow paler in the few days that had passed by, but he was trying to find any way that Pitch might break the agreement with North, but he sadly found none. Jack was almost to shiver himself he was so full of fear and concern for Sandy. What if Silvia harmed Sandy without Jack knowing? In fact Jack had not seen Sandy for quite some time.

"What is being wrong with you Jack? You have not said a word in days my friend. Tell me what troubles you, please." North insisted. Jack just kept his hands in the pockets of his blue hoodie not saying a word. North gave a harsh sigh, "Jack you be telling me what is wrong and I promise no one will find out."

"...Promise?" Jack moused out leaving North with the slightest bit of hope, "I promise Jack. Now come with me so we can talk in private." Looming his eyes around to be sure no one or no thing would follow them North brought them in a broken up toy maintenance area. Making a second take with his eyes around the room he continued, "Now tell me Jack what is wrong? You haven't talked in long time, and I know this isn't like you at all."

"It's Silvia..." Jack almost covered his mouth, but stopped himself, "She isn't who you think she is."

"Jack, do not be telling me you are all over this again." North huffed tapping his black boot.

"No, you aren't listening North she isn't human. She is a shapeshifter, she was toying with us, and still is toying with us."

"You aren't making any sense yourself Jack...Please be getting on with the program here." North insisted.

"Silvia is a Mare! That is why none of you have seen her, or knew who she was. If you did she would have been taken out already, but Man in Moon had other plans I guess."

North's eyes grew wide as he stared at Jack, "Well...that be big news indeed, but to think I was forgetting an important child here. So she ended up down here and stuck without powers somehow, but that was until Pitch had found her right?"

"That would have to be so, but I'm not sure I should have told you any of that." Jack turned his back towards North.

"Why is that being Jack? What you told me was very important!"

"They might hurt Sandy!" Jack insisted, "He might already be hurt I haven't seen him in forever."

"Don't let fear be taking you over Jack..." North smiled, "That is what they both want, and you are giving into them. Sandy can take care of himself don't you worry bout that."


Silvia now appeared to be in her early twenties as she twirled her hair in her finger relentlessly, "Are you bored my dear Silvia?" Pitch chided.

"Do we have to be in this hovel forever Pitch? I can take on any form so daylight isn't a problem for me."

"But people tend to fear more in the dark my dear. It would be wise to stay here for now where you cannot get hurt. What are you going to do to Sandman?"

"Jack only took a few days to break...he was no fun all all, and North was a fool to think I was never listening. I was always listening, and lurking in the shadows." She slouched in a chair more. Caressing her cheek Pitch smiled, "I never doubted your cleverness in superseding me."

"That is not the idea my dear Pitch, but making nightmares together is ironically a dream come true for me...After hearing so much about you in the Dark Ages I just had to meet you in person..." Silvia gave a twisted smile, "As to what I will do to Sandman? I will bend him until he breaks with fear...He already feared me before, but that was before he saw the real me."

A black sanded Owl flew by her to her shoulder as if whispering something to her with Silvia occasionally nodding. Pitch kept wrapping himself around her trying to listen in to what the Owl was telling her, but had no ear in it whatsoever. A shadow swept along as his feet as he grew more impatient, "What is it Silvia?" The Owl flew off of Silvia's shoulders as she made light of Pitch's impatience, "I know where Sandman is now..."

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