Chapter 9: The Mare

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It was now broad daylight and Jack sat atop a onion topped building in Russia making sure frost covered the vast majority of the small city. His eyes read contemplation and his fists read of rage and confusion. Jack did not want Silvia's dilemma to be true, "I will let her see Pitch's error." He encouraged himself.

Leaping from the building he let the winds take him as he flew across the sky skidding ice along the ground so people would nearly slip here and there. Jack heard a giggle and started to skid across the newly fresh ice he had made to look for the source of the giggle. To him it sounded like no ordinary giggle, but like, " can't be her. In broad daylight?"

Sweeping across alleyways and bustling streets of people he saw a glimpse of a little black dress. Quickly following it he came to the center of the city staring face to face with Silvia. Jack had no words for mere moments until he saw that nobody was noticing Silvia talking to thin air, "Can people see you?" Jack narrowed his eyes at her.

"Maybe maybe not. It's whether people see me, but do not want to believe, or whether they see and are too terrified to look." Silvia twirled in her dress while clacking her small shoes together.

"Why are you here in broad daylight?" Jack questioned, "Doesn't it hurt you?"

"Stop treating me like I'm a Vampire Jack. I can be out in broad daylight. I'm just not as harmful as I usually am. My time to spread fear is at night when what you cannot see becomes your greatest fear. Isn't that why people fear the darkness?" Silvia seemed too cheerful to Jack when she said that.

"I guess that is true..." Jack shifted uneasily as Silvia was starting to sound more and more like Pitch, "I don't understand..." Jack furrowed his eyebrows down at Silvia, "Why didn't North, Bunny, or I even know who you were?"

"Maybe you are all just lacking in common sense?" Silvia smiled broadly.

"You are a little too wise for your age Silvia. Not that I am saying we Guardians lack common sense, but something isn't right with you."

"You expect me to join you after giving me a nasty remark like that?" Silvia pouted.

"You know North may be right. I cannot change a person...I need to let you go your own way, but not before I ask." Jack leaned in closely to Silvia's face, "Who or what are you really?"

Silvia put a hand on Jack's shoulder sighing, "Maybe you are the one that is less clueless than I thought Jack. Tell you what. You see me tonight and I will tell you."

"Tell me what?" Jack stared deeply into her eyes as if getting the feeling of losing himself. Silvia started to back away into the shadows giggling, "Who I really am, but you cannot tell..." As she disappeared Jack ran his fingers roughly though his white hair, "Can't tell the others? No matter I have to find out. What I find out shall stay with me...I don't want any trouble for the rest of the Guardians."


"Did you tell Frost, Silvia?" Pitch contorted a smile.

"Not yet, but he will find out soon enough why my destiny was long ago enter twined with yours."

"You seem to grow wiser each day young one."

"I am learning from the best. Without you I would be trapped in a tainted world. I would have never found my power." Silvia wrapped her arms around Pitch.

"I am eager to see Frost's expression when he finds out. Aren't you?" Pitch smoothed Silvia's hair while fixing a purple flower.

"Oh I am very eager, but I told him not to tell the others or there will be trouble..."

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