Chapter 5: Dream Come True

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Hey everybody! Sorry it took so long! My WiFi shut off. The good thing is, I made at least 8 chapters, so be ready. Chapter 6 is pretty long. Just saying, just saying. Anyways! Hope you enjoy!

Lance looks at Keith, probably wondering why he's smiling.

"I guess I'll choose truth this time. "

"Who do you have a crush on? " Keith looks at Lance expectantly. Please say me, please say me!

Lance sighs. "Truth is, I don't have a crush on Allura. I was just pretending I do so people wouldn't notice my feelings towards Keith. So yeah, I like Keith... "

Keith blushes deeply and looks down. Yes!!! Lance also looks down as the room goes quiet.

"Maybe we should end the game? " Allura finally says after what it felt like 20 minutes. Allura saves the day! Everyone nods and starts to walk out, except for Hunk and Pidge. They're most likely going to fangirl. Keith walks towards his room, replaying what Lance said in his mind over and over again. "So yeah, I like Keith. " Right before Keith entered his room, someone grabs his hand and forces him back. Keith was pinned and when he opened his eye... he was face to face with the boy with ocean blue eyes.

"L-Lance...? " Keith stutters, a blush spreading across his face. Lance let's go and cups both of Keith's cheeks. Keith blushes harder as Lance leans in and kisses him. It was slow and gentle. Keith feels Lance lick his bottom lip, asking him to open. Keith hesitantly opens his mouth and Lance deepens the kiss, sliding in his tongue.( Before you get excited, no. There will be no smut in here. But I can write it for anyone if they want it) Keith accepts, his heart about to leap out of his chest.

Eventually, Lance pulls away and smiles at Keith's expression. Keith's face is really red, his eyes wide.

"Keith" Lance says, still smiling. "I love you. "

"I-I l-love you too. "

Lance smiles brighter. "Do you want to be my boyfriend?

Keith nods quickly.

Lance pecks his lips and walks to his room, waving behind him. Did that just happen!? I just made out with Lance! Oh, wait... he made out with me! Oh god! This is a dream come true!! Keith walks into his room, still freaking out. He gets a notification on his phone.


Keith: hi,so... We're boyfriends now?

LanceyLance: yep! Did you enjoy the kiss? 😉

Keith: who even asks that kind of question?

LanceyLance: me... now answer the question

Keith: why are you reading the texts out loud?

LanceyLance: I'm not!

Keith: Lance, my room is right across from yours, I can hear you shouting the texts

LanceyLance: quiznack!

Keith: yes, I enjoyed the kiss! Satisfied?
LanceyLance: yup! I guess I'll do it more often!😉

Keith: 😳

LanceyLance: hehe, made ya blush! Anyways, I'm going to sleep... night

Keith: night

Keith blushes as he turns off his phone. He turns over and falls asleep

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