The deck of the boat had simple chairs that were screwed into the deck, with a cooler and a large radio  across from it. There were tall windows that reached from the bottom of the floor to the ceiling, with a empty doorway in between that lead to the back of the boat.

Inside, was a couch with a TV across from it, followed by a small kitchen area. Simple fridge, microwave, and other appliances sat there with another wheel on the inside on the other side of the wall. Even further down was a hallway with a door straight ahead and two on the sides.

John lead me to those doors, one door had a small guest bed and some drawers. The other lead to the bathroom, and the final room lead to the master bedroom. The whole room was one large bed with speaker hooked onto the wall, the bed had a thick blue blanket with probably six pillows all around. On the ceiling was a window that opened, which meant easy access to the front deck of the boat.

"This is so beautiful," I admired.
He laughed. "I've seen prettier."

I looked at him, and he was staring at me already. Like he was admiring a painting on the wall in a museum. Except I was the art in his mind. I smiled and placed my hand on his cheek and pulled him into me, kissing him on the lips softly. It didnt last very long until the whole boat shook, and it slowly pulled away from the dock and moved down the water.

"As much as I'd love to spend my day kissing you, I don't want you to miss out on the view outside." He said in a whisper.
"What if you are my view?" I flirted.

His cheeks slightly burned as he looked away with this big ass grin on his face, before looking back at me.

"You have your entire life to look at me, and only one day to admire the sunset on the water," he whispered. "The view will come and go, but I'll be here for a while."

My heart skipped a beat, and I pulled him in for another kiss. When we eventually pulled away, he gently grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the inside of the boat and out to the deck. We walked along the side, me holding onto the railing and John onto me so I wouldn't fall, and went out to the front deck and sat down. We spent hours out there admiring the view and each other's presence, just loving everything about our time.

It reached about seven o' clock before the boat came to a stop for the first time- besides gas stops. I raised an eyebrow and looked at John who appeared to know why we stopped.

"What's up your sleeve?" I asked while giggling.
"Look straight ahead, and you tell me."

I looked a head and got a good view at the water. Straight a head, the sun began to set over the water, and the sky changed colors. Elegant purples, striking oranges and pinks, followed by stunning blues. It looked like a scene straight from a Disney movie. When I snapped out of my trance I heard the speakers kicking in from inside, the music that made me want to sleep in his arms. Sunset Lover.

"Have you ever been in love?" John finally asked, breaking the silence between us.
I took a deep breath. "Never."
"Never? The great Peggy Schuyler has never wanted to have a future with someone?" He continued.
"I want a family, and a future- but I've never been in love." I replied. "I don't really believe in love anyway."
John raised an eyebrow. "Explain."
I took a deep breath and sighed. "You could date someone for years and demand that they're the one for you. The one you want to marry, have kids with, and start a future with. That can change in a day. In an hour. Over one text. One day you'll love someone as the next you hate them and want nothing to do with them. I feel like if you're in love, wouldn't you fight to save that? Why would you give up so easily? if love was real, why would things be so hard?"

John went quiet. He looked like he wanted to say something but no words came out. He kept smiling to himself and would open his mouth before quickly shutting it, like he was deciding the best words to throw at me.

"I think you can fall in love with the wrong person at the right time, the right person at the wrong time, and then you'll love the right person at the right time."
"What do you mean by that?" I asked.
"Well, take me for example. I dated a girl when I was fifteen for months. I don't remember much, but I knew I loved her. She was everything I dreamed of. But she moved. I never saw her again. Right person, wrong time. After a while I put myself back out there. I met another girl. Maria. she was awful from the start, but I fell in love with her anyways. She was dominant, yet charming and seductive. I loved her after a year of dating. I wanted a relationship and I wanted love. She wanted sex. She cheated after a year and a half, and I ended it. Wrong person, right time. Now all that's left is right person, right time."

His story almost hurt. I felt jealous, and I didn't know why. These girls were gone. I was here. John wasn't even mine. His story also have a sort of hope. A small amount- but not enough for me to change my views.

"I admire your bravery to seek love after that. I would quit," I laughed.
"Quitters don't get anything. Easy way out," he replied.


"Tell me something about you that nobody knows," I finally said.
He laughed. "What? Why?"
"Just do it," I replied.
He stopped to think for a moment. "Well... Does being rich count? Nobody knows that but your family and mine."
"Something else," I laughed.
"Alright. How about... The truck I always pick you up in? Doesn't compare to my Porsche."

I laughed, not because I thought he was lying, but because I knew he was telling the truth.
"Why don't you tell anyone you're rich?" I asked.
"People would follow me around, pretend to love me, and pretend to like me just for money or wealth or gifts. I don't want that in my life. You're here for me and me only, period." He answered quickly.
"Smart boy." I replied, followed buy quick silence.
"You're turn," he replied, "tell me something nobody knows about you."

I thought for a second, before realizing the most obvious one, that would probably shock him the most.

"I'm still a virgin."

John's eyes basically popped out of his head, causing me to laugh. He stared in awe before joining me in laughter.

"I'm shocked. Not saying you're like a slut or anything, but I figured you'd lose it at like, sixteen," he remarked.
"Unlike my sisters, I don't open the door for anyone who wants to walk in," I replied. "But Id be lying if I wasn't curious."

More silence. He wanted to say it. I could read it on his face. I knew what he wanted to say, what he wanted to do.

"I... Wouldn't want to make you... Make you uncomfortable, o-or anything..." He got caught in his own sentence.
I laughed. "Shut up and kiss me."

He appeared shocked, but eventually came over to me and kissed me hard and passionately. He pulled me onto his lap and ran his hand through my hair while the other wrapped around my waist. We stayed like this for minutes before John popped open the window that lead into the bedroom, and we both hopped in, landing on the bed.

We continued from there while the boat drove back to the docks. I couldn't tell him why I wanted to know things nobody else knew. Or why I was so interested in his life. I couldn't find the right excuse or explanation to feel something towards John, that I don't even believe in.

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2019 ⏰

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