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Hours passed and I was frantically running around my bedroom deciding on which heels went with my outfit. I wore a long, yellow ball gown type dress that had a slit in it. I finally decided on pointed yellow heels that were about the same color as my dress.

My makeup stayed light- pink lips, brown and gold eyeshadow, things like that. My hair was in a half up half down style, and I was genuinely happy with it.

I hurried downstairs to where both my parents were cooking and my sisters were setting the table in the dining room. Eliza wore a baby blue longer ball down with silver heels peeking out through the bottom of her dress. Angel wore a more puffed out light pink dress with open toed heels. When the saw me staring, they stared back.

"You both look beautiful," I finally said.
"Thanks," Eliza replied.
"Yeah. Thank you," Angel added. "You look nice."

I smiled at the ground and examined my dress, making sure it looked good.

"Why did you invite him to dinner?" Angel outbursted.
"I didn't. Mom did," I corrected.
"Our formal dinners are usually a family thing or used for parties," Eliza started. "Not for your crushes."

Before I could even snap back, Eliza took off strutting towards our parents, Angelica following. I sighed and sat down at the table and just made sure my dress looked good for John.

Not that I cared about what he thought, though.

"You okay?" My mother interrupted my thoughts.
"Yeah. The girls are just-"
"Rude, complaining, bratty- I could go on." My mother laughed and sat next to me.
"Yeah. As always," I playfully rolled my eyes.
"Honey don't let them ruin today for you. It's an exciting date, my love," My mother replied.
"It's not a date," I said.

My mother rolled her eyes playfully, laughed and walked off towards the kitchen. A little bit passed, and I could hear the doorbell ring throughout the house. I jumped up and opened my eyes wide towards the door. I hurried over and stopped right in front of the door, fixed my dress and hair, took a deep breathe and opened the door. 

John stood there, but he didn't even look like John. He had cut his long hair now short, he wore black jeans with jet black sneakers and a maroon Polo shirt, with a black overcoat. He looked clean, cut, and handsome to say the least. I could get used to this side of John.

"Your hair!" I laughed, so did he. 
"Your dress..." He awed. "It's, just... Wow."

I giggled then pushed the door open for him, he thanked me and walked inside as I shut the door behind him. I lead him into my kitchen where my mother and father stood, the girls nowhere to be seen, thank God. 

"Mr and Mrs. Schuyler, a pleasure to see you again." John said as he extended his hand, to which both of my parents shook.
"Laurens, how have you been? How's your father?" My father asked.
"He sends his reguards!" John smiled. 
"Your sisters are in the dining room why don't you two head in, we'll be there in a minute," my mother said. 

I took a deep breathe and nodded, then I walked towards the dining room with John following. We walked through the halls and such before walking into the dining area where Eliza and Angel were already sat, most likely taking about John and I. But their conversation stopped when we walked into the room. 

"Elizabeth, Angelica," John smiled.

Neither of them said anything back. 

I rolled my eyes towards them as I headed to the two seats sat across from them, but John beat me to it by pulling my seat out for me. I smiled as I sat down and he pushed the seat back under the table and took the chair next to me. He smiled at me and I smiled back, we seemed to be more interested in each other then either of us were about either of the girls. 

"So," Angelica started, clearing her throat. "How long do you plan on staying?"
"Until dinner is over," John replied, not breaking eye contact with me. 
"You're just going to stare at Peggy all night?" Eliza asked. 
"You act like it's a bad thing," John winked, causing me to blush. 
"Smooth," I mouthed. 

A  moment of silence passed before Angelica opened her mouth again. 
"So what are you looking to get out of Peggy?" 

John and I both broke contact and looked at her at the same time, John stared emotionless while I starred with anger and disgust towards her. 

"What do you mean?" John finally asked. 
"I mean exactly what I just said. What do you want out of her? Money? Fame? Riches?" Angelica asked again. Even Eliza seemed surprised. 
"All I want out of her is her time," John answered quickly. 
"You're going to sit there and tell us that you're not one bit interested in how much our family is worth? Or how much we make?" Angelica snapped.
"Stop talking," I growled from across the table, but she kept going.
"Are you just gonna run after you get bored? After you realize she can't give you what you wants? After you realize she's not going to fall for your stupid tricks and money begging afterwards?" 
"Angelica!" I yelled, the room fell silent. 

I exchanged looks between both my sisters and John. Eliza looked shocked, staring down Angelica while Angel leaned back in her chair with her arms crossed over her chest, but John, however, sat straight up smirking at her. 

"Well, I can expect one thing out of your sister besides her time. I will expect her to not be a bitch like you. I can expect her to have a sense of reality and belief and a good heart, unlike you. I can expect her to support everything I do, and vise versa, and not tear each other down over jealousy and anger because she's managed to find someone who won't use her, once again, unlike you." John cleared his throat and didn't give Angelica a chance to speak back before he began again. "I never really wanted to admit it because it's not important towards me, however there is a reason your father and mine know each other is because they fought alongside in the war. Even though that was discussed, it should also be mentioned that my father soon became an extremly wealthy man after the war due to his battles alongside him, and his continued businesses afterwards. So, Angelica Schuyler, just because I don't wear designer clothes and have as big as a house as you do, doesn't mean I'm not wealthy. And, if you actually got a chance to get to know me, you'd understand that I'm not some low class kid. I am John Henry Laurens, and I come from a wealthy family as well, I just don't shove it in your face like you do."

Silence filled the room. I didn't know if I wanted to slap him for lying about his wealth or kiss him for standing up for himself. Before anyone said anything, both my parents came in carrying all sorts of food. My parents sat across from each other and smiled as they handed out plates.

"Let's eat!" John smirked, followed by a wink towards Angelica. 

Rich Girl (Jeggy/Hamilton Modern AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora