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Angelica and Eliza watched as Peggy strutted upstairs. They shared a look of confusion and slowly followed Peggy up the stairs. Angelica opened Peggy's door to see her laying on the bed texting someone, most likely John.

"Why do you always come in my room without knocking?" Peggy asked without looking up.
"Why were you with him?" Eliza snapped back.
"Because," Peggy started, but she didn't finish.
"Because why?" Angelica asked.
"Why do I need to explain myself to you two?" Peggy questioned, now looking at them. "Because he makes me happy. Because he makes me laugh. Because he's a good friend."
"I told you this would happen." Angelica whispered to Eliza."You start at friends, then you start dating, then you 'fall in love,' then he breaks your heart and takes your money."
"Why is everything about money with you two? Jesus, can't someone just want to be friends with me and not focus on how much our family is worth? Not everyone is a selfish bitch like you two." Peggy growled, pushing herself off her bed.
"Who are you calling-"
"You." Peggy interrupted Eliza."He doesn't want my money. He doesn't want to fall in love with me or any of these crazy scenarios you two keep putting me in. He's just a good friend!" Peggy exclaimed.
"He's a good friend until-"
"Until when, Angel? Until he asks for money?" Peggy yelled.
"What's with the hollering?" Their mothers voice echoed throughout the house from downstairs, most likely in the study.
"Peggy's being stupid!" Eliza shouted back, no response came from their mother.

Silence filled Peggy's room until slight footsteps appeared to get closer and louder. Soon enough, up came Catherine Schuyler. She stood with her hair pinned back into a bun with light pink glasses resting on her freckled nose. She wore a light grey sweater wrap with light blue jeans, followed by pointed black heels.

"What is going on here?" Catherine exclaimed as she pushed herself in.

The girls said nothing.

"Just some... Sisterly bonding." Eliza snapped, she turned and walked out of her room and Angelica followed.

A single door slam echoed throughout the hallways, assuming Angelica and Eliza went into Eliza's bedroom. Catherine sighed and leaned on the doorway, and stared at Peggy as she crossed her arms.

"What happened?" She calmly asked.
"I don't even know!" Peggy threw herself on her bed and put a pillow over her face, mumbling to herself.
"Peggy..." Catherine walked over and sat down next to her daughter, slowly removing the pillow from her face. "You going to tell me what's going on or do I have to assume it's about that Laurens boy?"
Peggy sat up. "How'd you know?"
"Mothers instinct." Catherine shrugged and laughed. "What did he do?"
"It's more like... What did the Schuyler Sisters do." Peggy laughed at her own remark. "Mom when you met dad were you... Like, interested in his money at all?"
"Ah, so that's what this is about," Catherine nodded. "Well, to be honest when I first met your father I didn't know what his family was worth. I found out a few months after. It's not so much as that I was interested, it was the fact that I knew that if for some reason he fell in love with me the way I had fallen for him, he could support us. His money was like... Like a bonus, I guess. I fell in love with your father. not his title."

Peggy sighed as Catherine pulled her into her side and wrapped an arm around her.

"I'm not in love with him. He's a friend. A really, really good friend. But Angel and Liz think he's only being my friend because of our money," Peggy started.
"Has he said anything about the money?" Catherine asked. "Asked for any?"
"No, no. In fact, when I accused him of wanting my money he seemed offered. He stormed off and I had to hunt him down and practically beg for a second chance," Peggy responded. "He's... Really nice, mom. He's a good friend and he's funny and understanding and I just... Like being around him."
"Do you have feelings for him?" Catherine asked.
"No, no. God, no," Peggy quickly stumbled out. "I don't think."
"You know what I think?" Catherine asked. "I think you're scared to admit it."
"Why would I be scared? I'm a Schuyler. I'm not scared of anything," Peggy scoffed.
"Maybe," Catherine started. "Maybe you're scared of your sisters."
"Mom I'm not scared of either of them. Eliza is like five-four and Angelica is too busy worrying about her eyebrows then she is about me," Peggy laughed.
"Peggy, I want to meet this Laurens boy." Catherine said, Peggy pushed herself up.
"Mom, we're not even dating-"
"I don't care. If he makes you happy he needs to be introduced to our family," Catherine interrupted.
Peggy froze before stuttering out a few words. "L-Like what? A-A-A dinner?"
"What a great idea!" Catherine exclaimed as she sat up.
"Peggy I'll make sure your sisters are respectful. And- as Schuyler tradition- formal attire, as always," Catherine continued.
Peggy groaned. "Liz and Angel are gonna be pissed."
Catherine stopped herself in Peggy's doorway and turned and smirked. "Let them be pissed." And with that, she turned and walked of.

Peggy held her phone in her hands for almost two hours. She wanted to call John and asked him, but she didn't want to come off as obsessed. Peggy and John are friends- and she wasn't sure she wanted to ruin that.

But eventually, Peggy fought herself long and hard before calling John. She held the phone to her ear and paced around her room as it rang. One ring, two rings, three rings....

"Miss me already?" John's cheerful voice answered. "Sup Pegs?"
"You have plans tonight?" Peggy instantly got to the point.
"Um, yeah. Law and Order season eighteen is on Netflix and I have a pizza going into the oven later on." John stopped and laughed, so did Peggy.
"So, you have no plans?"
"Not at all."

They both began laughing, John's loud and cheerful laugh and Peggy's cute giggle.

"My mom... Wants to like, meet you, or whatever," Peggy stuttered out. "It's totally stupid. I don't know. She just wants to meet my friends. I guess. I think. I don't know you don't have to come it's just-"
"Peggy I'd love to go." John interrupted, Peggy felt her cheeks get hot as she smiled.
"Tonight at six?" Peggy asked.
"I'll be there," John responded.
"Okay, formal attire. As usual."
John laughed. "See you then, princess."

Rich Girl (Jeggy/Hamilton Modern AU)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن