"Is that... Austin?" She squinted. The drizzle had picked up speed, making it harder to see him.

"Yeah. We may have crashed into each other... literally." She pointed to the wound on her temple. "A Rabid snuck into his backseat and he fought it off when driving. Good news is the Rabid didn't make it. Bad news is we totaled his car. So, he's stuck with us now."

"Rabid?" Arryn asked confused. She looked past Claire's shoulders to catch a glimpse of Austin.

His hands were tightly wrapped around a small handgun. He appeared vigilant, scanning the open area for danger. Strapped around his waist was a sort of utility belt, holstering various weapons. What looked to be spare ammo overflowed the pockets of his cargo pants. Rain washed away the blood from his wounds.

"It's what the media is labeling these things." Claire pulled a damp strand of hair out of her face, wincing when her fingertips brushed against the bruised skin of her forehead.

"Oh." Concern bubbled inside Arryn. "Are you both okay?"

"A little banged up, but we'll manage." Claire's eyes drifted down to Trinity. "Who's the kid?"

"This is Trinity," Arryn said, placing a hand on the young girl's shoulder. "We met in the hospital."

"That's a cool name." Claire offered Trinity a smile, leaning down level with her. "My name's Clarice, but my friends call me Claire."

Trinity pulled her teddy bear close to her chest, keeping quiet.

"How did you find me?" Arryn asked.

She could tell Trinity wasn't in the mood to talk at the moment. Not after what she witnessed. Arryn knew she wouldn't be either if she had witnessed that at such a young age. Then again, Arryn was surprised that she herself hadn't shut down yet. Sure the kid kept her going, but for how long? At least a familiar face was back in the picture. And maybe... just maybe her father was okay.

Claire broke her sights away from the kid and turned them on Arryn. "Sheer luck, or a miracle, you take your pick. Austin pulled into the parking lot, and we were getting ready to park to scour the hospital when we saw you leading Trinity away. Seems like we found you just in time."

Salt washed over Arryn's tongue. She blinked, releasing a few more stored up tears that had slipped out. Was this her sign from up above? It sure felt like a miracle.

"Hey ladies," Austin called from a distance. "Hate to cut the reunion short, but we should get going. The neighboring zombies are getting bored with their to-go order.

"He's right. Let's go," Claire said.

They walked the short distance to the vehicle and loaded in. Quiet fell between them as Claire drummed her fingers along the wheel. The hum of the motor and the faint blowing of the circulating air waited for one of them to speak.

"Where do we go?" Austin asked.

"My dad," Arryn said. "I need to see...I need to know he's okay. He hasn't answered my calls."

"Join the club," Austin replied.

Arryn's heart dropped. She'd forgotten about Austin's family staying in Florida. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He sighed. "I just wish... Nevermind. It doesn't matter now."

Arryn could see the hurt behind his eyes—the regret. He'd been mad at them two days ago. And now he may never talk to them again. Was it worse not knowing what happened? At least she knew what happened to Lincoln and her mother. She didn't have to speculate like she did with her father... like Austin did for his family.

Dog Days: Book OneWhere stories live. Discover now