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Dipper woke to a headache. He opened his eyes to see where he was. A fancy, elegant bedroom. He looked about for his triangular husband, but he saw no sight of Bill. Mustering courage and strength he pulled himself out of bed. steadying himself on the love seat he looked up to see a gorgeous full body mirror. He was in the same robe's as the night before.

"Bill has to have something else I can wear. I'm not wearing these all day." He said to himself.

He opened the closet door to find a huge walking closet. Bill really did have everything planned out. Bill had a whole part to the closet just for his little Pine Tree. He walked in and looked at what he had to pick from. Looking at his options, even though they were mostly the same, he picked something out. He took care to match them in case he somehow married a demon overlord who is also the fashion police. He changed into a white and gold hemmed shirt that had a draping tail behind it and short's and sock like shoes of the same color. What was with Bill and having him wear this color scheme? He added a small gold cloth belt just inc ase. He left the closet, now being better dressed, explored the room more. Behind another door was the bathroom. Similar to the bedroom, it was a luxurious space. Beautiful white tile was across the floor. the bath fixture's were made of materials he didn't recognize, but they gave him vibes similar to Pacifica's home mansion. He figure'd he should go ahead and use the place in case he go's somewhere else later. After tending to his business he looked more about the room. There was a small bookshelf, but it was too high for him to reach it.

"Look's like I'll have to grow up some first." He said to himself.

Looking back around he saw a box on the dresser. He was tall enough he could put his chin on the dresser. But looking at a box on it had caught his interest. He was able to carefully get it down. It was a stained dark oak box with his zodiac symbol on it. Opening it revealed to him his circlet and necklace from the day before. He sat on the love seat to put them on, using the mirror as a guide to put the circlet on right. Now he was fully dressed, he supposed. The room seemed to have nothing more for him to look for, so he looked to the third door he hadn't opened yet.

"Guess there's only one way to find my way around my new, home." He said to himself.

Opening the big, yet light door he looked in awe of the intricate workings of crystal in the walls, floor, and ceiling. He never saw these before when he was running from Bill yesterday. He walked down the hall from the royal suite to a staircase. Dipper followed it down, without turning off anywhere. He had a Idea of where his king was.

"So how long are you going to be gone?"

"Just two days this worlds time. Most of the places we're going to, time has no meaning." Bill explained.

He continued to chat with the other's with him until he saw  a small bit of brown fluff pear from a corner of the hall.
"Ah! My queen is awake! I was about to get you myself. Come, Come, I want you to meet my brothers and uncle!" Bill said happily.

Uncle and brothers? I didn't know he had a family.

"Of course I do. We have very large family's, but mine is a bit of a rare case." Bill said scratching his head.

Dipper silently cursed to himself for forgetting Bill could read minds.

"Sweetheart this is Kill, Till, Will and my uncle Tad Strange."

Dipper place the names by order of positioning, which was pretty convenient.

"It's wonderful to meet you in person dear child." Tad said greeting Dipper warmly.

"Hello." Dipper said with a awkward smile.

Bill watched his brothers give their own greeting's to his new wife as he checked for all the preparations. Everything is in order.

"So, you four will watch the place while were gone right?" Bill confirmed.

"Of course Bill. Just go have fun and enjoy yourselves." Tad said calmly.

Dipper looked surprised. They were going where?

"Alright Pine Tree, let's head off!" Bill said taking Dippers hand.

"W-Wait! Head off to where?!"

"Our honey moon of course! We can't- AHEM- but we can still see the best spot's in the universe, and enjoy time all by ourselves! I have had everything prepared last night. So don't worry for a minute." Bill said patting Dipper's cheek.

Dipper looked a little annoyed as they walked to the Fear Mobile.

"Oh and before I forget." Bill remembered something.

He snapped his finger's  making a golden cloth appear out of nowhere.

"Here, wear this." He said holding it out.

Dipper took it and put it on. He admired the golden cloth, even giving a little twirl.

"Welp, your cuteness factor just sky rocketed." Bill said trying not to stare. "C-Come one, Let's head off. I got a few places in mind we could visit.

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