The Broken Bride

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Hour's passed. It was agonizing for each second that ticked by. Dipper had just made the deal yet he was being decorated with a white robe-like gown that was hemmed on the ends with gold. A golden circlet with a triangle in the center was placed on his head, a see through white veil draping behind his head. The necklace he was given was the Pine Tree Symbol he was so re-known for. As the other monster's of the realm Bill was from made sure he was looking the best for their king, he thought about his parent's in California. What is Mable gonna do with him gone. No, the last thought was a good question: How will they explain this to their mom and dad?

"Oh you look adorable!" One of the servant's chimed.

"He's so gorgeous in white!" Another said.

He sighed and tried to tune out their fan-girling. But it was no use. They sounded too much like Mable and their friends. Gossiping, happy, he would never hear from them again.

"Your highness! Come, it's time! We have your bouquet right here!" Another servant called, holding a bouquet of, some kind of flower.

He nodded, and followed them, taking the flowers. No turning back now. Before anyone could say it, he swallowed hard, took a deep breath and held his head high.


Stan, Mable, and all their friends sat in the front pew, well, the ONLY pew left in this church. Stan was holding his great niece as she cried quietly. Mable quietly looked over to the other front row across from them as her friends grumbled contradictions about the wedding. she saw three other triangles, they looked just like Bill. A red one was trying to calm a blue one who was in tears. They were holding hands with the last one that was white, and seemed devoid of emotion. Looking to the alter she saw a purple square with a bowler hat, and a umbrella hooked over his arm adjusting Bill's boutineer.

"Uncle Tad I told you I'm fine." Bill said annoyed.

"You are not getting married looking like a hooligan! I'm sure you remember stories of your own parent's wedding?" Tad Strange mentioned with a stern look.

"You HAD to bring that up...?" Bill asked with a sweat drop going down his head.

"Yes. Ever since your father shown up as a drunken idiot at the ceremony and I ended up raising the four of you I vowed that would never happen with ANY one of you." Tad said moving his umbrella to his hands.

"Spoken like a mom Uncle Tad. Spoken like a mom." Bill said rolling his eye.

"Everyone be ready to stand for the bride!" A Henchmaniac alerted.

"Good luck Bill, and say your vows right." Tad Strange said tipping his hat to his eldest nephew.

"I know what to say!" Bill groaned like a rebellious teen.

Two crystal skeleton wolves pulled the door's open with their mouths, everyone plummeted to silence, and stood in respect for the bride.

The silence was deafening, but transitioned like a melody as all present watched the bride walk to the alter. Sound's of admiration came from the crowd. Dipper only looked ahead, his teal eyes traveled to other place

"If he wasn't really getting hitched, this would be hilarious." Stan said as Dipper walked by.

"Please, silence in the sanctuary." The reverend said loud, quieting all in the place.

'Cute!' Bill squealed in his head.

'This is embarrassing...' Dipper thought quietly, his cheeks heating up.

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