the stupid thing about growing up

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we all do it. 

we all either hate it or love it. 

I love it. 

I open up the group chat. the last text leaves me alone. yet another reminder of my outbursts, just another symptom of the fun thing called depression. I draft yet another long heartfelt response to apologize to the people I knew so well. 

I delete it all. I am the cause. I am the one to isolate myself. another friend group that hates me. I can't seem to keep my goddammed mouth shut. 

I apologize politely again, wondering just how much any of them can take of this. I close out of the chat and text Ryan. "One week left. Think you can get your brother to drive us to SF I found a new place." 

He responds quickly as he always does " I'd have to bribe him but if we're going to SF then he'll be able to go."

"THought your mom told him to lay off photography."

"She did, but you can't silence a creative mind. I think we remind her too much of dad." 

"How are you do with that?"

"He died  when I was eight, I'm fifteen." 

" And yet you are going to be a freshman in high-school." 

"I know, but it's harder on Ryan." Their Dad was gunned down at an art exposition along with other up and coming black artists, musicians, and community leaders. five went to jail, one got the chair. His Mom kept him and his brother sheltered but lo and behold who thought that public school would help them. Ryan is a music nerd. His brother Caden is artsy in a way you would not believe. 

" Well anyway, I've got a crazy Idea. You know the bridge in the park."


"Annnddd how I always wanted to throw a party there."


" I got the patrol schedule for the park and there are no patrols scheduled for next weekend, Friday specifically. From four till six in the morning there are no patrols on the west end. How Awesome is that!"

"we would need food, drinks, a DJ, tables, and friends."

"Fine. leftovers from my parents' dinner party your family's BBQ. I just got a new mixer and have portable speakers. your brother has a massive friend group, and word gets around. Plus you know how big EDM is in the town. We could get THe void, Little town and Someone Else to play. It would be amazing! Come on, this has been our dream. Let's get this knocked out before high school."

I took him a few minutes to respond. "FINNNNNNEEEEE, my brother's in on it too." 

"YESSSSS! I'll see you tomorrow." 

"In the morning, don't come knocking on my door a three in the morning again."

"Sure, meet you at DutchBro's?" 

"Twelve normal table and two heart-attacks." 

This is my town. So perfect.  We live so close to SF but also just far enough to be called its own art's district. Everything is the same, and I intend to change that. 

The completely true and completely uninterest narrative of a teenage girl.Where stories live. Discover now