never agaιn : cнapтer ѕeven ♡

Start from the beginning

After the I said that I quickly turned around on my heel and walked away, hearing them call for me but I tried my best to ignore it and just go up to my room.

♡ ♡ ♡

Hours passed , I cried for most of them , or atleast until I fell asleep to my tears.

I was a mistake..

How could he say something like that? He had no emotion in his voice when he did..

He meant it.

I know he did..

I am a mistake..

Quickly , before I began crying again I stumbled over to my patio, sitting on a chair the family had set out there for me I suppose.

I stared down at my arm, the one my father gripped. It now had five dark purple bruises where his fingers and thumb were placed.

Slowly, I ran my fingers across the largest one, the tumb bruise I suppose. It hurt , but not as much as I thought it would.

He hurt me, and meant to do it.

He told me how I was a mistake, how he didnt want me..

I was snapped out of my thoughts when the amazing Chandler Riggs opened his window, smiling.

" Hey, Natalie. " he said softly and locked his window in place, then leaned on the window seal.

I turned around and nodded towards him, " oh, hi Chandler. " I said softly , quickly hidding the burises as best I could.

" So.. what happened with the entire parent thing? " he asked and i sighed looking down.

" Nothing really, yelling mostly. " I answered , leaving out some parts. " Im thinking about going back with my mother. " I added with a sigh.

His eyes drooped and his shoulders fell forward, " what? why? " he asked , concern in his voice.

Honestly , I was happy someone cared, especially since what just happened a few hours earlier .. but I cant handle it, my father and him constantly looking over my shoulder.

The judging that Sam easily gives with without even moving a limb.

The fake care that Barbra tries to share with me but I refuse to except.

The only thing I look forward to is Chandler.. but he has a life , too.

I just cant take my family..

I dont want too.

" I refuse to stay in a household where I am being judged for how much and when I eat, constantly being watched , and criticized by my own family. " I said , looking off at the distance. Honestly I didnt want eye contact at the moment , I did want to know how he was taking this.

" I refuse , I'm sorry Chandler but I'm going home to my mother. Although I am not sure when, but I know for a fact I am and it best be soon. " I said and glanced at him slowly.

He looked broken , the way he looked broken honestly felt like a stab in the throat then a slice down the back. I hated breaking him but I couldnt take it.

At this rate instead of me getting better with my disorders , I will easliy be getting worse.

" Im sorry then, Ms. Natalie, but I refuse to live in a world with out you. " He said and slowly straightened up, " So, to my conclusion, I must find out why you feel the way you do and Fix it immediately. " He said and as he did so , around his last words , a noticed a small smirk appeared across his cheeks.

never agaιn a cнandler rιggѕ ғanғιcтon ♡Where stories live. Discover now