Izuku Midoriya [Zombie apocalypse scenario]

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Note: Quirk doesn't work here my friends. Scenario inspired from this art!

 Scenario inspired from this art!

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Credits to the artist

"I'm here now"

Izuku Midoriya x Reader
[Zombie Apocalypse Scenario]

A lot have happened, virus spread across Japan and soon, it'll spread throughout the world.

You looked at your phone worried more now that your phone will die soon having 5% of energy left in it.

You sat down on the floor locked inside one of the rooms waiting for someone, someone to come and help you.

You we're all alone there, hungry and thirsty. It had been eight hours since the apocalypse started in school.

You're quite one of the lucky ones survived or so what you thought to be the last survivor in school.

A lot of undead have been lurking around the school and a lot are banging the door you locked. Soon, the door would break and the zombies would come and eat you.

You looked again at your phone and finally had a coverage. You received a single text message after all the effort you've sent to all the contacts at your phone.

You're asking for help and guess what it was only Izuku Midoriya who replied to your misery and told you through a message.

"I'll come and save you.."

You sat down on the floor and smiled.

"It was probably hours ago..he's probably dead by now.."

You thought negativity but.. your door suddenly breaka, you waited for your end to come as Zombies comes in the room your in but you felt someone tap your shoulder.

"Y/N! Let's go!"

He shout, he's at the window. You thought of how did he even manage to get at the second floor so you stood to look he's using a ladder.

The zombie kept on coming in and you're damn so lucky those things couldn't run unlike those zombies from movies.

You open the window for Midoriya and heard him say.

"I'm here now.."

Tears fall from your eyes as he reached out his hand for you and you oblige to take his hand.

You come with him and closed the window. The two of you went down using the ladder and run out of the school till you two reached the shelter Izuku is currently staying at.

"This house is secure.. you can take a bath upstairs and please eat this.. this is all I could offer L/N.."

He said as he reached out the food he's holding for you.

Instead of taking it.. your over flowing feelings kept on falling and falling.. you thought you'll be dead soon and no one's gonna save you but here you are..

Alive and moving.. you sat down and the floor and thought thag this man whom you kept on saving from getting bullied came and saved you this time.

"A-u-uhm! Please don't cry!"

Izuku panicked and tried to look for a tissue but then you held his hand to stop him, look into his eyes and formed a smile.

"Thank you.."

You said as you kept on crying and crying till Izuku broke the silence.

He sat down on the floor next to you and said.

"I'm sorry.."

His words made you feel surprised and confused asking yourself why is he apologising to me?.. you look at him to look for clues but cannot find so you asked him.

"Sorry?.. for what?"

"I wasn't good enough.. I wasn't able to go and save you as soon as possible.. I'm so slow.. you wouldn't be crying now.."

Izuku said while his head were down feeling ashamed to show his face.

"Whenever Kacchan would hurt me.. you always came and save me.. you would give me a smile and say.. I'm here now.."

Izuku said and started crying like he always do.

"But.. I was so slow.. those zombies would have killed you.."

He said while wiping his tears.

"But I'm here.. alive.. you saved me.. you did your best Izuku-kun.."

You told him and wiped his tears.

He looked at you and you gave him a smile.

"I thought.. it was the end of me.. but.. you came.. you're the only one who came and bravely saved me.. you're like the light that shines in the darkness.. Thank you Izuku-kun.. for telling me.. I'm here now.."

You told him and gave him a kiss on the lips that surely young Midoriya can't forget as long as he lives.


Author's note:

Thanks for reading this oneshot! :D

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