Namjoon would be off scurrying around, looking for shells and sometimes crabs and bring them to us to show off. Yoongi, he would just be sitting on the sand beside Seokjin, staring fondly at the others as they played.

That was the perfect image he had in mind as he closed his eyes and dreamed. That was the kind of feeling of family he'd feel whenever he was together with them.

He felt he could stay there forever, pushing aside all of his worries and questions. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, he thought, if I stayed here forever.

Seokjin opened his eyes, peering out to the ocean. The water looked like shards crystals dancing together in the water, shimmering in the warm sun rays.

To be honest, he did imagine going back in time on multiple occasions, reliving the moment he would meet his friends again, all of which being unrealistic. He always imagined laughter and just fooling around. After all, that was how it was — no matter where they were, as long as they were together, they were happy.

Suddenly, the memories came flooding in; waking up in his room, seeing Taehyung, the talk with the principal, the trailer park, the bruise, Seokjin running away.

Seokjin closed his eyes shut and clutched the side of his head as the memories sent a piercing pain in his brain. The memories came flooding in, as his breathing became irregular.

Regaining composure, Seokjin pulled his knees closer. He wondered if he could ever have that back, if what had just happened was truly reality.

Then was what happened to him before it all, him losing everything and becoming the successor of his father's company, was that a dream? or was it him seeing his friends again?

One thing was for sure — neither felt like a dream.

Then if that's the case, "Which was real?" he voiced.

As if time itself had stopped when a gravelling voice came from behind him, carrying a mocking tone with every word. "And here I thought you were a smart one this time," the man sighed.

바다 | the ocean

Seokjin whipped his head around, his eyes widening at the sight. Behind him was a set of large doors, leading to a grand room.

At the end of the room stood a lone booth, and though at first glance he didn't notice, until someone from inside it spoke aloud. "Now, tell me, Mr. Kim Seokjin. Why can't the both of them be real?" The man spoke again, his deep, inhumane voice sending chills down Seokjin's spine.

Seokjin looked in front of him, but the ocean and sand were both gone. He was sitting alone, in the middle of what looked to be a dark hallway.

What the--

"Aren't you going to come in, Mr. Kim Seokjin? You're wasting both my time and yours with your unnecessary delay," The man spoke in almost a mocking manner. Seokjin felt his eyes grow wide at the side, but nonetheless headed the command.

Seokjin got up off the ground and made his way to the booth at the end of the hallway. As he walked, he began to take in the room. The colour blue almost felt as if it radiated off of the walls and floor, but not just any blue. It was a colour he had never seen before, or at least in the moment. There stood a large gate which looked to be made of rusty iron on the far left side.

Something told him not to ever cross that gate, so he diverted his eyes and continued walking to the dark booth at the end of the colourful hallway. Usually, the booth would have looked out of place, but for some reason it felt as if it fit right in.

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