Mission #5-1 - Summer Break

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Today is Saturday morning. It's been a week since the "Husband-Napping" incident, and the Patrangers are sitting in their office lazily.

(Y/n): Welp, I'm bored.

Siegfried: Same.

Fergus: *sighs* It's summer. Why are we still working here while the others are having a day off?

Artoria: Don't blame me. Vlad ordered us to work here today. He said for, a special mission.

Siegfried: Whatever this mission is, I might as well do it lazily.

But then suddenly, the door opens, revealing Vlad standing while holding a clipboard.

Vlad: I heard that, Siegfried.

As he said that, everyone jerked from their seats and stands while saluting.

All minus Vlad: Supreme Commander, sir!

Vlad: At ease. No really, at ease.

Everyone sits back while sighs. Vlad then walks to a desk while putting down his clipboard.

Vlad: As you heard, you are working here despite everyone else having a day off. Well, now here's the reason why.

Artoria: Why so?

Vlad takes a deep breath, and slams the desk, earning surprised yelp at the Patrangers.

Vlad: You all going to the Marienette Splash Water Park for two days.

And then, silence.... Until everyone says,


Artoria: Marienette Splash?! Are you serious sir?!

(Y/n): It's the only water park on the city. Why there?

Siegfried: Let me guess, the thots are planning on an attack there?

Vlad: Hmm... No.

Another silence, and another "Eeeehh?!" occurs, this time with even more disbelieve.

Artoria: Then what's the mission then?

Vlad: Your mission... is to have fun. And also as a thank you for your last mission few days ago.

Siegfried: So.. we got here... just for listening to that? And how are we going to get in? The tickets are expensive as hell during summer.

Vlad: Yes, and that already taken care of. And also, you'll be staying there for a night, so I booked a couple of rooms for you. Now go pack up your stuff, and have some fun there.

Although very tired of his words, the Patrangers lazily stands and salutes him.

Pat: Yes, sir.

As everyone leaves, Artoria was held back by Vlad,

Vlad Artoria, here are the tickets. Make sure you keep it safe until you arrived at the water park.

Artoria: I understand, Commander.

Vlad: Oh, and Artoria, I also booked a room for you all. I can only booked two rooms so I decided to put you with (Y/n).

After he said that, he gave her a small smile and leaves the office. Artoria meanwhile is visibly blushing and slams her desk a couple of times.

Artoria: 'HOW DID HE KNOW?!'

At the old abandoned burger shop downtown...

Nero and Tamamo is playing poker while visibly sweating. Meanwhile Elizabeth is laying on a couch while swinging her arms lazily.

Elizabeth: Ugh, why are we here anyway?

Tamamo: As much as I don't want to like you do, the 'chief' ordered us to come here for a briefing.

Nero: Sheesh, on a hot summer day too. I should be laying at my bed with air conditioner while reading a comic, but for the sake of getting (Y/n), I have to know what will the briefing will be.

Elizabeth: One thing though, isn't that... GoodStriker, was it? Like a Dial Fighter too? I mean, it looks like a plane and has a dial on it.

Nero: Well, the cops used it like a Trigger Machine. Something tells me that we can use it too.

Tamamo: And let my body merge with the likes of you? No thanks.

Nero: Why you little!

???: Settle down, ladies.

Everyone turned around to see the 'chief' sitting while eating a hamburger as usual.

???: I know you're tired, so I'll get to the point. You three are going to Marienette Splash.

All: Marienette Splash?!

Tamamo: T-that's a famous waterpark in the city! Why are we going there?!

Elizabeth: And the ticket prices are expensive too, especially in summer. How can we even get it anyway?

The 'chief' then flashes 3 tickets from her hand.

???: I know about that, so I decided to get it from my... inside helper.

Everyone then takes the tickets and looks at it.

Nero: Well.. it is legit. So, is there a thot there we gonna steal?

???: No. Instead, you'll be stealing in the normal way. A Servant Card has been spotted somewhere inside that park, and I need you to get it.

Tamamo: Well, at least we can have some fun in there. I'm in.

Nero: Then it settled. We go to the waterpark and get the Servant Card, and also having some R&R too.

Elizabeth: I'll getting my idol swimsuit!

And thus, the girls leaves the burger shop, preparing for the mission, and summer fun. The 'chief' finishes her last bite and stares at the door.

???: Summer fun... *sigh* Meh.

Back to the Patrangers...

Speaking of Patrangers, they have just arrived at the entrance. They are gawking at how big it is.

(Y/n): So this is Marienette Splash...

Artoria: As expected. Now where's the ticket booth...

The four found the ticket booth shortly after. The employee there looked at their tickets and place them on his desk.

Employee: Before you get in, I have something to inform you. Your tickets includes staying for a night at our condos, but you only able to get two. So, Mr. (L/n) and Ms. Pendragon, you're in condo S-1. Mr. Fried and Mr. Roich is in condo S-2.

All: Got it.

Employee: Well then, I hope you enjoy the fun at Marienette Splash.

Everyone then enters the building and sees many sights, such as the main pool, large slides, and a rollercoaster too. Artoria quickly gets in front of them and turns around,

Artoria: Alright everyone. Now, we start our new mission.

Fergus: Wait, I thought we're here to-

Siegfried: Not now Fergus.

Artoria then smiles,

Artoria: The mission is to try to have fun for the next 2 days. Without further ado, let the fun begin

Patrangers: *salutes and smiles* Yes Ma'am!

Meanwhile, on top of the main dome of Marienette Splash...

???: Look at them. Look at how happy those insects is...

The figure grips its lance, which emits a cold mist.

???: I'll show them that winter should be eternal!

(Hey Guys, I'm back. Sorry for the short chapter, my body wasn't in the good feeling right now. So anyway, I hope you enjoy, and Peace Out.)

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