Mission #4-3 - Za Fighto

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Few hours earlier, back at the HQ, with ???'s POV...

Yaawn, What a great sleep! I wonder how Osakabe-chan's up to? I bet she's still sleeping in front of her computer after playing that dating sim I saw. Wait, I'm not in the hatch? That means I can fly freely now! Ooh, how I wanted so much to do this, exploring the outside world, seeing the sceneries, and- Oh forget everything, it's time to fly!

I unfold my wings on the side and start floating first, and fly to the open window on the top! Aaah, the outside world, I wonder what kinds of anime I can watch other than the ones Osakabe-chan showed me.

No one's POV...

Osakabehime, the second in command of the R&D division, groggily wakes up from her desk. She wipes her eyes before putting on her glasses and her lab coat.

Osakabehime: Goodie, it's time for the daily te-

What she saw however is just an open glass cage, and to her horror, the Goodie she refer to, is missing!

Osakabehime: Goodie!

And so she searched everywhere, from under the table to a pile of her clothes, but even so, she can't find it. As she was giving up, she looked up the ceiling and noticed the open window. As of then she realized that Goodie has escaped through the window. She curls herself under the pile of her clothes and silently regrets.

Osakabehime: Chief Edison is so going to fire me for this.

Back to our heroes...

Siegfried: Freeze, thot!

Lusami- I-I mean Brynhild turned around and sees the 3 Patrangers pointing their Changers at her. But, one of them suddenly catches her eyes, to the point that she point her spear to him, and the one she points at is Siegfried.

Brynhild: Sigurd! You're my Sigurd!

All three of them gasped in disbelieve, especially from Siegfried,

Siegfried: Sigurd? What are you talking about?

Brynhild: Sigurd, my husband, come back to me, and we live our old lives together.

Siegfried: I don't understand anything that you said, but if there's anything I can say, is that...

I'm already married.

Brynhild flinches at the statement, before slowly engulfed in anger and points her spear at them.

Brynhild: If that's the case... I'll just take you by force!

Siegfried: Now!

As Brynhild charges at them, the Patrangers aimed their VS Changers at Brynhild, and pulls the trigger. The police badge hits Brynhild point blank, pushing her to the ground, and phases through the Patrangers. As the Patrangers finished transforming, Siegfried aims his Changer at her and says,

Siegfried: Under the authority of the Global Police, you are under arrest!

The Patrangers then fires their shots at her, but she manages to block it all and regain her footing. Brynhild then throws a bag of seeds to summon her Lustromen. The Patrangers then fights the Lustromen, quickly eliminating them in the process. By the time Siegfried fights a sniper Lustromen, he fires at its sniper rifle to draw attention to himself.

Siegfried: I don't even forget the time I got taken down by you, buddy. So let me give you the same treatment.

Siegfried then charges his shot at the sniper, which its frantically getting to aim him. However, Siegfried fires it before the sniper get its aiming right, hitting it right on the crotch and bites the dust.

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