Levi let out a deep, visible breath of solace, turning round to face his soldiers. He glowered as he spotted the two lovebirds snogging near the back of the line, a practice they had been doing for the past few months now when they thought he wasn't looking, and would often result in him angrily chiding them as a consequence. However, by this point the captain was as tired and cold as everyone else, even if he'd never admit it, and simply whistled sharply to gain their attention, along with the rest of the company.

"Well, I feel that was enough for the day. You may return to headquarters. However, my final order for today is for everyone to bathe, thoroughly. I'm dead serious, if I even see a speck of mud on any of you tomorrow I will scrub you head-to-toe and delouse you with a mop myself. So I suggest you begin washing as soon as you get inside! DISMISSED."

Everyone stood at attention and performed the salute, and regulations most likely would have relaxed for the day had not Connie and Sasha attempted to start throwing mud again, to which the whole company was chased back to headquarters by a raging Levi, doubletime.

It was a relief for everyone to be back inside the warm headquarters, but the mud dripping all over the floors only instigated Levi further, and everyone was shooed to the upstairs bath chambers, everyone besides two certain lovers...

"Eren! Mikasa! Front and center!" Levi barked, just as they had been planning to tag along with Armin and Krista up to the bath chambers. The two kind blondes were about to wait at the staircase for their friends, but a glare shot their way by Levi made them both hesitantly start heading upstairs instead. Eren gently squeezed Mikasa's hand comfortingly as they approached their shorter officer, who had his arms crossed in annoyance.

"How can we help you, Cap?" Eren asked, trying his best to avoid Levi's steely gaze.

"Well, for starters, everyone's a complete mess and it is going to take a lot of hot water for everyone to get cleaned up. I need you two to go down to the cellar and adjust the boiler to ensure that the water temperature is hot, the last thing we need is trying to bathe in water that was colder than the rain out there."

Mikasa nodded gently. "We can certainly do that, sir." She replied softly, it was the first time Eren had heard her speak since they had woken up together and her voice sounded congested and hoarse, his worry for her health resurfacing. Levi nodded solemnly. "Very good- Oh!" He glanced about, before his gaze met his two soldiers again.

"Between you and me, the washrooms upstairs are going to be very crowded by the time you get back, and messy.." He cringed slightly at the thought. "There is a private thermal bath in the cellar that we use for physical therapy.. It's a bit small but I feel you're both creative enough to fit together in it. You have my permission to use it if you like."

Eren beamed gratefully at his officer for the surprisingly gracious offer. "Thanks, Heichou! But I thought you of all people would want to use that?"

Levi chortled dismissively. "I have my own personal bathroom all to myself upstairs, Eren. The one thing I allow myself to be lavish in. Besides, why would I want to bathe in a dark, dingy cellar of all places? But I digress, I'm going to go take a shower, a bath, and then another shower. I'll see you too first thing tomorrow morning. Good day."

"Good day, Captain." Eren and Mikasa replied in unison, all three saluted each other before Levi proceeded up the stairs as well, and his shouting at Armin and Krista who had been eavesdropping the whole time could be heard echoing throughout the entire headquarters.

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