Chapter Four

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We huddled together through the movie, watching a movie starring two humans and their forbidden (yet also not it's just two girls) love. It was rated R, like that one movie Amélie, but... more R.

(In case you're curious, the name is Blue is the Warmest Color)

(Please don't watch it I made a mistake of watching it at my age)

As the movie ended, I was asleep, leaning on Gene's shoulder. I could feel him tense up a little, wondering whether to stay here or wake me up and leave.

After a while, I could safely assume he would stay with me. Mostly because he hadn't moved in a long while.

Eventually, morning came, and I woke up to a dark room, illuminated by a sliver of light at the bottom of the shades. Gene woke up because of my stirring, messy hair and all. "Good..." He said and stretched. "Morning."

"Yeah." I said and stood up, cracking my fingers. "Good morning."

"Breakfast?" Gene asked, walking into the kitchen and combing back his hair with his hand. I nodded, walking down the hallway to my room. I changed out of my pajamas into some daytime clothes, and by the point I had returned to the kitchen and living room area, Gene had already made pancakes.

"Blueberry." Gene said and set another cake down on my plate.

"My favorite!" I exclaimed and excitedly sat down in front of my stack. "How did you know?"

"Wild guess." Gene said and shrugged. To be completely honest, I assume he must've looked at my phone. Not go in it, just turn it on. My background is a gif of blueberry pancakes being drizzled with maple syrup.

"Looks delicious," I said, smiling at the thought of the taste. "Let's eat!"

It tasted... well... just as I described but on a whole nother level. It was like... heaven on a plate.

"Oh my god," I muffled. "How?" At this point, it was all I could muster out of my mouth.

"Homemade." Gene said and shrugged. It was obvious they were. No... premade mix, pancakes, anything... could top this.

Breakfast was as described, delicious.

Eventually, we were sitting in the dark with nothing to do and our dishes put away. Even I can admit, it's hard staying in one place for a long time. In fact, it's started to smell and the air is very thick. We had to get out.

"Do you ever think about how maybe..." Gene said, twiddling his fingers, "...we should run away?"

"But where would we go?" I asked, sighing and laying back into Gene's arm around my shoulder.

"Away." Gene said. "Another phone."

I looked at him and asked, "Do you know the kind of trouble we could get into?"

"But it's worth it," Gene said, resting his hand on my knee. "For us."

I smiled. "Let's do it."

(At this point, imagine it as more of a... montage?)

We both jerked upright immediately, looking around for things we could pack into.

"Wait, Gene," I said, holding up my hand as a signal for him to stop moving for a minute. "How are we going to get anywhere?"

"I have a backup car." Gene explained. "We don't have to go too fast, after all it's only noon or so. But make sure you have all you need."

I ran into my room and grabbed my sorta empty suitcase. I didn't really have too many belongings. I tossed some extra things in there, like some water bottles and a pillow and blanket. Since it was Gene's house, he had about one or two suitcases.

"Where is this 'backup car'?" I asked, looking around the house and checking the bathroom for some things I may have forgot.

"I'll show you." Gene said, opening a secret door with a safe inside. "Extra savings."

I watched Gene dump thousands of hundred dollar bills and bitcoins into a large potato sack. "Wow." I said in awe.

Gene shrugged and tied it shut. "C'mon. I'll show you the way."

He took me by the hand, and led me to the land outside his apartment.

There, sat a black car, so normal I almost didn't think it was his. It was just so... average. We threw our stuff in the back and looked around, the empty streets pumping adrenaline into our systems.

The door slammed shut as I sat down in the seats, and for a moment I questioned if it was new or not, because the seats were so cushioned. "How many times have you used this?" I asked.

"Well... It's not very new, I just don't use it too frequently." He explained.

I nodded, clicking my seatbelt into place. It smelled like Gene's cologne. After identifying the smell, I promptly took a deep breath.

My eyes drifted to the window, the road in front of us lighting up as Gene turned on the ignition. It's strange, how a life can change so much in less than a week. I met Gene and then, finally some excitement.

Gene's phone rang and he eyed it, contemplating whether or not to take his eyes off the road. "Can you get that for me?"

I picked it up, seeing that there was no caller ID. My nerves jumped and Gene and I exchanged worried looks.

"What if it's the cops?" I asked, frowning at the phone.

"Pick it up anyway, they won't be willing to catch us at this hour." Gene said staring at the road. I nodded. My thumb pressed the green button and I held it up to my cheek, hearing breathing as the phones connected.

"Hello, Hi-5." Jailbreak said over the speaker.

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