Chapter One

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It was a slow day in Textopolis, the usual emojis hanging around the cold streets. I shivered, the tips of my fingers turning a soft shade of rose. As I walked, I approached a dark murky alley. Inside, rogue emojis chatted and huddled around a blazing fire. The fire roared as the ashes contaminated the air.

The old emoticons hushed the group and turned to meet my eyes. Their piercing black gaze deepened as the :[ creeped forward. Just before he could strike me, a yellow flash struck the beast down. I cried in the realization of a near death experience. The :[ crawled back into the group, bumping against the barrel burning with a fiery glaze. My knees gave way, and I collapsed into the cold gravel. My teeth chattered as I attempted to calm my breathing. Then, a warm hand rested on the tip of my thumb.

I turned around to meet the eyes.

The eyes that took my breath away.

"Are you okay?" His gentle, soothing voice said to me. I didn't know what to respond with, so I remained silent. He clenched my hand, soft, but strong enough to pull me up off the gravel. He gave me a worried look as I avoided meeting his gaze.

He touched my thumb once more but this time turned me around to face him. He took off his jean jacket and wrapped it around my cold body. It was so warm, and I soon felt like I could almost never take it off.

He must have noticed this, grinning happily. "What's your name?"

"High-five." I said shyly. I didn't want to give off too much of a bad vibe. Many people avoided talking to me, but from the few I've had, this time felt different.

"I'm Gene." He said and slithered his arm around me. "A... meh. Obviously." He laughed.

"Yeah." I nervously chuckled. I tried to contain myself. A sudden wave of hope washed over me, and I felt like my life could finally change for the better.

"Here." He said, stopping next to an apartment complex. "Why don't you come in with me to warm up and so I can check on your vitals?"

I nodded. "That sounds okay."

The door clicked open and Gene removed his keys from the handle. "Come in, I don't bite." He said and held the door open invitingly.

I graciously accepted his offer, stepping into the plush, clean carpets of his condo. The first thing I noticed was a mirror surrounded by small pictures of the "meh" emoji. There were some pictures of his parents also, which I guess was who he aimed to make proud.

Gene walked into the kitchen, and offered me a glass of water, which I politely accepted. It was cool, and refreshing. Almost reminding me of the feeling that struck me when I first looked into his eyes.

"So.." He said, and leaned against the table casually. "What brings you around these parts?"

"I was making my way to headquarters for my job." I sighed, turning to gaze out the panoramic view of the city. Gene nodded.

"Sometimes I feel like.." He paused. "I feel like I'm destined for greater things." This didn't come as a surprise to me after all the strange things that had happened to me today.

"How so?" I asked, taking a quiet sip of my water.

"Well... Do you ever feel like you have more than one emotion?" He asked me. I spit my water out back into the cup. Gene looked unsurprised at my reaction. "My parents kicked me out."

"It doesn't seem like it.." I mumbled under my breath.

"They didn't understand why I felt this way. After all, they think I was born to be a meh and nothing else." Gene sighed and turned away from me. "I just... I want them to accept me. Whether I decide to stay a meh or not."

I didn't know how else to react. After all, I don't meet "rogue" emojis like this on a daily basis. I walked around the corner and wrapped my thumb around his thin, yet toned body. His warmth still surprised me, the comfort of it all. Gene turned toward me with a deep look of hope in his eyes.

"I..." My mouth stuttered out. I took a deep breath and exhaled smoothy. "Accept you for who or whoever you choose to be."

Gene smiled with a beam of happiness. He lifted his hand and gently placed it on my thumb, leaning in to be comforted by my body. I hugged him as he sniffed and rested his head on my shoulder. As our embrace was coming to an end, I heard the door click and whir open. I only needed to see her face to know who it was.

"Jailbreak." Gene said through gritted teeth, pulling away from my grasp. "Why did you come back."

She smirked and flipped her long, dark hair over her shoulder. "I sensed that you had broken out of your pit of despair."

"Why would you care!" Gene shouted and stepped towards her. "In case you forgot, I bought this apartment and I kicked you out. I'm willing to do it again if you don't leave."

"I see you have company." Jailbreak said and brushed Gene's threat aside. She looked me up and down and guffawed. "This can't be what made you happy."

"In fact," Gene said angrily. "He is."

She whipped around to stare directly at him, a burning rage cast over her eyes.

"I made you happy." She scoffed. "Don't you remember?"

Gene picked up the phone receiver. "If you don't get out of this apartment right now," he said and held the phone up to his face, "I'm going to call the police."

Jailbreak did not at all seem threatened by this. "I have a date to attend to anyway."

I watched with scared eyes as she slammed the door and Gene set down the receiver. "You know her?"

"Why?" Gene said and turned around with a worried look on his face.

"She's a wanted criminal in the city." I said and pulled up the flier and reward on my phone. Gene sighed and rubbed his temples. I looked around, the tense mood giving me a sense of uncomfort. "I should probably be getting back.."

Gene's attention snapped back to me and he smiled. "Let me take you home." He slipped his warm arm around my pinky and escorted me out the door.

As we approached my house I pulled away from his heat. "Thank you..." I said and turned away bashfully. "For your hospitality." I coughed. You could cut the tension with a knife. Gene reached out, but only caught air as I closed the door. I watched him leave through a crack in my curtains, his face stained with disdain. I couldn't help but feel bad as I watched him sulk away.

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