Ch. 66 the devil herself

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I walked into the lunch room exhausted last night I stayed up to watch friends on Netflix and I deeply regret it. I've never been more tired in my life, never mind I have but this is really close.

"You look like death." Charles commented as everyone looked at me.

I tilted my head taking a seat. "Thanks." I crossed my arms on the table and rested my head on my arms.

"What's up with you." Kenzie asked from in front of me.

"I made a big mistake." I groaned exhausted

"And what's that." Joey asked from beside my. I looked up from my arms at them all briefly before putting head back down.

"I stayed up to watch Netflix."

"I doubt that's the worst decision you've made." Aaron commented

"It's close." I shrugged.

"Are y'all coming to the game tonight" chad asked as he tapped his fingers against the water bottle sitting on the table.

I nodded my head. I knew Kenzie did to because she's the one that's dragging me to the game.

"Good because Alex would have been pissed if you weren't he said something about going out to eat as a team after and you won't have a ride home if you didn't." Ethan said. Alex is so stupid it's my car too.

"Whatever. I have to get to class." I pursed my lips standing from my seat passing past the table full of people I don't like. But it's fine cause I haven't seen Sydney yet and it would be to soon if I did. I'm just hoping she's not at the game tonight.

"Ms. Williams." Mrs. Davidson said snapping as she stood in front of me.

"What?" I looked up at her lifting my face up from my arms.

"Do you know the answer?"

I furrowed my brows leaning out of my seat to look past her at the board.

"40?" I replied in a questioning tone as she nodded. She turned and began to walk off in the direction of the door. I let out a sigh of relief.

I sat on the bleachers next to Kenzie as she rambled on about how excited she was to see Ethan play.

My gaze stayed on joey as he ran up and down the field warming up.

"Are you listening to me?" Kenzie asked I shrugged co to young to follow joey around the field he wrote his number on my hand in first period so I knew who to look at but I already knew his number from previous practices and games.

Kenzie sighed next to me looking back at the field.

As we both waited for the game to start both teams began to warm up and the bleachers began to fill. Right before the whistle blew to start the game the devil her self sat only a few seats away from me and Kenzie.

Another filler chapter I'm sorry I'm getting towards the end of this book I'm also currently working on two others ones if your wondering one is a fanfic about joey another isn't so that's why it's been taking a while to update I've also recently started my first year of high school which is confusing and time consuming these last few chapters might be slow updates but just know I'm working on another fan fiction for you guys. LY AND SORRY!

-Lexi 💗

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