Ch.26 what

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[Annas POV]

It's been three weeks. Three weeks since the football game three weeks since I saw joey me. Ever since then he's been acting so weird he doesn't talk to me or any of the guys or Kenzie when I'm around he won't even make eye contact with me, he's been skipping school, smoking and drinking again he's been back at parties...he was doing so well before he stopped talking to me he hasn't done any of that.

What's worst is that...he's flirting..with other girls! I know he's not mine and never was but the first time I saw him flirting with a girl it felt like my heart was being squeezed and my knees grew weak and all I could do was stare because I was to weak to turn around.

"Anna"-Alex said snapping in front of my face

"What"-I said looking at him as I lifted my head off of the window.

"We're here"-he said as he got out of the car and grabbed his back pack out of the seat me following his example before mumbling a by to Alex as we went our separate ways.

But what did I actually do to make Joey hate me

I thought we were going places

"Hey bitch"-Kenzie said as I reached her and the guys

"Hi"-I mumbled with a weak smile as I looked around the parking lot for well Joey.

And sure enough there he was leaning against his car and talking to this little whore. ugh. I rolled my eyes before looking back at Charles chad Aaron and Kenzie who were having an odd conversation about yo-yos

"Yo-yos were the best toy in the 90s"-Kenzie protested as she crossed her arms

"No...skate boards were"-Aaron argued before rolling his eyes at kenzie

"No-no-no...moon walkers"-chad said budding in as Kenzie and Aaron rolled there eyes at them

"Personally I think a tamagotchi was the best kids toy"-Charles said crossing his arms mocking kenzie

"Well news flash no one cares about your opinion"-Kenzie said sass everywhere in her tone

"Okay none of y'all were even alive in the 90's"-I stated which caused them all to glare at me "but the yo-yo was the best"-I said smiling as I walked of with Kenzie and the boys bickering behind us

"That's why your my best"-Kenzie said as she wrapped her arm around my shoulder

"I know"


"CHARLES GIVE IT BACK"-Kenzie yelled chasing Charles around my house for the remote.

"Guy calm down let's just agree on a movie"-chad said sitting on the couch calm as can be while everyone else was running around like elephants at a circus

"Amen"-I said plopping on the space on the couch next to chad


"HA GOT IT"-Kenzie said as she stood up from the floor where Charles was still laying after Kenzie tackled him

"Ouch"-Charles said rubbing his arm as he laid on the ground.

"Just stop being a baby and get up"-Kenzie said rolling her eyes and leaning back issuing the remote to control the tv to find a movie

"Ooh how about we watch "The kissing booth"-I said giddily as I saw it pop up on the screen

"OMG YESSS"-Kenzie said bouncing up and down in the seat next to me pressing the button to play it

"Why can't we watch something else"-Charles asked rolling his eyes and crossing his arms over his chest

"Because you gave up the remote"-Kenzie said looking at the tv and not at him

"WH-you tackl-

"SHHH THE MOVIES STARTING"-I said cutting off Charles before high giving Kenzie and leaning back in my seat.


The movie was great I was upstairs plugging my phone in while everyone else was in the kitchen eating the pizza Chad just ordered.

I turned my phone off of low power mode before plugging it in and walking towards the stairs.

"I don't know what she thinks happened"-I overheard Kenzie say as she stood at the island in the kitchen

"Same...I can't believe he stayed away this long"-Charles replied shaking his head

"I know she misses him but is it really that bad I think he did the right thing by avoiding her"-Aaron said as he held the water bottle on the table he was sitting at


"He hurt her...he's hurting her"-chad replied correcting himself

By now I was already at the bottom of the stairs right by the kitchen

"What"-I asked softly as I stood there them all starring at me "h-he's avoiding me"

End LY


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