Ch.25 why

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[Annas POV]

"Welcome students, faculty, and parents to the first game of the season we appreciate all of you who have come to support our Varsity line up this year...well let's get this game on"

The crowd soon arouse with a mixture of "woohoo"'s "Let's go"'s and "Let's bring it"'s But I was steady looking for Joey I couldn't find him but then again a lot of the football team wasn't out here yet.

"You need to stop looking for him"-Kenzie whispered in my ear catching my attention

"Why"-I asked turning my head to her my eyebrows knitted together

"The games about to start"-she said hastily although I just shrugged it off

"Ok"-I mumbled before looking back at the field seeing chad Charles and Aaron all waving at us

"Hey"-Kenzie said pointing to them as she nudged my shoulder and I waved back with a smile

"Where's joey"-I asked confused looking at Kenzie

"Can you just like not worry about him"-Kenzie said looking at me before looking back at the field annoyed

"What is wrong with you"-I asked worried she never uses a tone like that at least not towards me

"Nothing I just...I don't want you wasting your time"-she said looking at me sincerely

"I'm not wasting my time why would I be wasting my time"-I assured looking at her as a confused feeling rushed over me

"Never mind...the games about to start"-Kenzie said before turning to look at the field where the boys were including Joey

Finally at least I know he's not sick or dead.

Ugh he looks so cute in his football uniform


"Did we just score"-I asked Kenzie confused

"Now we just gained yards"-she said focusing on the field

" much time do we have left"-I said before Kenzie looked at the score bored where the time was

"3 minutes"-she said before looking back at the field

Football is confusing


"Joeys doing great"-I said smiling and clapping as Joey carried the ball down the field

"Anna sit"-Kenzie said pulling me down

"Wh-no"-I said looking down at Kenzie who was glaring at me

"Yes"-she said as she pulled me down to sit next to her

Go go come one Joey

"YEAHHHH"-I said jumping up and clapping as joey made it to the end zone which I'm pretty sure meant he scored or gained a point. idk

Joey looked at me and smiled a bit but the smile was washed away not even a second after...he didn't even smile long enough for me to smile back

"What was that"-I asked looking at Kenzie but pointing to the field referring to Joey

"I don't know"-Kenzie shrugged as the referee blowed his whistle and our team came running off the field cheering, clapping and chanting

I walked down the steps of the bleachers with Kenzie behind me and we merged up with Aaron Charles and Chad who were waiting for us at the bottom of the bleachers

"Y'all did so good"-I said to the boys smiling

"This calls for a celebration...y'all wanna go to pops pizza"-Kenzie asked as all the boys nodded

"Yeah we have to go change out of uniform first"-Charles said as me and Kenzie nodded and they ran off to the locker room.


They say girls take forever to change but the boys are literally taking 30 minutes to change out of their uniform not a single player came out of that locker room.

"Finally"-Kenzie said once she saw the boys walking out

"Let's go"-Charles said once he chad and Aaron has approached us

"Okay"-Kenzie said turning around and walking away

"Man I can't wait I love pops"-Aaron said as we walked to the parking lot where my car was

"Same"-chad agreed as he rubbed his hands together in a joking way

"Hey...Joey hey we're going to pops sans join"-I said once I saw Joey across the parking lot he looked at me then slowly shook his heard and got into his car driving away leaving me dumb founded "okay...what"-I asked confused as I got into the drivers seat before turning the car on and pulling out of my parking spot.

Ouch...why didn't he even smile at me not even in a friendly



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