Ch.51 amphetamine

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Annas POV

I know I promised Joey but there's just one thing I remember reading that I have to know about

"Energies lining up"
"Energies connecting"

I promise that's the only thing I've been looking at about this nothing more nothing less...just the energy.

"Anna."-Alex said knocking on my already opened door "someone's here"-he said sending me a weak smile before leaving

We're still not on the best page....

I closed my book standing up from my chair and walking down the narrow hallway towards the stairs.

"Joey"-I asked once I reached the top of the stairs and saw him standing by the door "what are you doing here"-I asked walking down the stairs while grasping on the railing

"I figured I'd stop by"-he said you could tell he was nervous his stance his's was clear as day....but he still managed to catch my eye

"I'm fine"-I said now standing on the bottom step

"I know it's just"-he started before cutting himself off

"It's what"-I asked crossing my arms and walking towards him by the door

"It's just last nights conversation was....-

"A lot to take in"-I answered for him

"Yeah"-he nodded

("Please"-he whispered still never once has he broke eye contact

"Okay"-I whispered back before he pulled me closer to him and into a hug consuming me in his smell...his lovely smell

"I can't lose you"-he whispered as he tightened his hold around my waist and I layed my head on his chest.)

It was a lot and it made me realize a lot...I can't lose him either I just need to know more.

Last night was also the first time I've slept in a while but knowing I still need to know about the energy I'm not gonna be able to get any more sleep....that's where Charles comes in I need to ask him about getting me some stuff to help me stay awake cause I know for a fact chad, Aaron and definitely not Joey will get it for hopefully Charles will without telling any of them...

"Are you okay"-he asked putting his hands in his pocket

"Yeah"-I answered standing there in my shorts, sweatshirt and fuzzy socks....i look like a child.

Who's sweatshirt is this?

I shakes away the questioning thought before walking to the kitchen joey following me

"You want something to drink"-I asked with my hand on the fridge door

"Sure"-he answered unsure never once has he took his eyes off me...I'm not complaining "that sweatshirt looks good on you"-Joey said with a slight smirk

It's his?

"You want it back"-I asked handing him the water bottle

"No it looks better on you then it ever did on me"-he said making a smile form on my lips that was sweet

"I know you haven't been sleeping"-Joey admits looking up from the island counter he's been staring at confused


"I haven't been sleeping either."-he said before leaving me in the kitchen dumbfounded.

"I couldn't sleep"-I said softly before closing the door quietly the same as I came in

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