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Just as the laughter died down, Mari spoke up. "Y'all ready for a Maricraft?" Everyone got up and switched seats. I skittered over next to Joven before anyone else and sat down. He smiled at me and I smiled back. "Hello Damien. What are you doing next to me?" I make up a lie. "Hello Shire Of Joven! I have a really good idea for this episode but I need your help." He raises an eyebrow and I smile evilly. A few minutes in, Boze has died from falling off a cliff twice and yelled "SAIL!" both times. Mari had tried to get a dog but didn't have enough bones, and Wes got spit at by an angry llama. All the while, Joven and I were planning something. So, Joven and I would find a village, make it super cheery with rainbow sheep and stuff and then there are a bunch of trap holes that drop you into a mob room in the water full of Drowneds. Therefore, Wes and Mari lose all their stuff. Boze wouldn't lose too much, she's a pacifist. As we worked through our plan, Joven subtly scooted a bit closer to me. I noticed and went red. He slowly moved closer until we were right next to each other. His hand brushed against mine while he was waiting to respawn and I blushed and so did he. He was about to say something when suddenly, Boze yelled again. "SAIL!".
BigBossBoze fell from a high place
Mari laughs, "oh my god Boze stop dying!!!" Wes starts laughing but Joven and I just look at each other. He winks and then continues his game. What the hecking heck?! Why did he do that and then go back to the game?! I sighed and Joven let a smirk onto his face at my frustration. As we were working, I accidentally fell into our trap and lost everything. "FRICKIN FRICK!!! It works alright." Everyone started laughing at my death but just wait......
A few moments later, as Joven was building the trap, I hit him into it and he died instantly. "Damien." He said sternly. "That wasn't nice at all." I almost shrink in my seat and resist saying, sorry daddy. My Little side is surfacing slowly and I hate it. I just mutter, "not sorry."
Everything came to the point where the trap was only used by and on Joven and myself. Our individual death count had to be around 40 or more. Every time a death comment popped up, Mari, Wes, and Boze would start laughing. They didn't know why we kept dying but it was hilarious for them. Joven would wink at me every time I died and I started to died internally too. Eventually, Mari had to speak up as we were wrapping up the episode and everyone was walking out to go home. "Hey! You two! Stop teasing and bang already!" I don't know what happened but I ended up in a bathroom stall crying on the floor. I didn't know why that pushed me or him over the edge. It was a ridiculous comment. After a few minutes of random tears, I feel myself shrink smaller and smaller. Not right now!!! I'm at work! I get smaller and smaller until my thoughts are no longer coherent. Damn.

Joven's POV

"Hey! You two! Stop teasing and bang already!" Mari said as she walked out the door. That left Damien and I. Suddenly, he ran out with what looked like tears in his eyes. What the hell? I shrug it off at him needing to get home but I decide that staying longer won't hurt nobody. I turn Minecraft back on my computer and start building something in a separate world named "Damien". I log into the world and I see everything I have built so far. Hearts, signs with cute comments of his, things about him, etc. I start building a new heart until Wes walks in the room. I quickly shut off my computer and turn to face him. "Heyyyy buddy. How are you?" He looks at me weirdly. "You're building the stuff for Damien again?" I huff and nod. Wes knew my secret as I had trusted him with everything. "Well, if it helps at all, he seemed to be a bit flirtatious today! Put that in! Oh, I just left my phone in here. See ya around! Good luck!" Wes walks out again and I turn my computer back on and work until I finish the last heart and sign. I look out the window and only see 4 cars. Joe's, Shayne's, mine and... Damien's? I thought he left. Maybe he's with Shayne. I shut off all the systems and go to see if Shayne knew where Damien was. When I ask, he says "nah man. Haven't seen him. Good luck finding him!" I huff as I walk out of the room and start searching around. He wasn't in the lunch room, Smosh Games room, Smosh Squad room, any offices, or any closets. Where the hell could he be? I check one more unlikely place. The men's bathroom. I open the door and immediately hear sniffling from the handicap stall. The door is wide open. I whisper.

"Damien? Is that you?"

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