Chapter 24: David Guetta's Sick Beats

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"Beca! Beca, don't, your hand is still bruised from the last asshole you punched because of me," Chloe said stepping forward and softly clutched Beca's hands to pull her back. Beca flinched at the reminder when Chloe grabbed said hand and remembered the pain.

"You're right, Chlo. Because this bitch is absolutely not worth our time," Beca said turning to face Chloe. She knew Chloe would steady her.

"Oh come on, Bec," Lindsey groaned distastefully.

"Come on what exactly? Beca is NOT interested, anyone with eyes can see how uncomfortable she is when you're around," Chloe said nudging Beca behind her. She knew Beca could definitely hold her own, but she had about enough of this girl showing up everywhere they were.

"Whatever, Beca is just going to play you Carly or Kylie or whatever your name is, you're so unimportant, I can't even remember your name," Lindsey said flipping her hair.

"It's CHLOE, and you haven't forgotten. You're just jealous that Beca's paying attention to me, and me only. It's really, really sad actually. We all feel bad for you, such a tragedy that such a pretty person is just so mean inside, so sad. It's amazing you've even found someone to put a ring on that finger. Besides, you haven't forgotten my name, because my mere existence is driving you crazy," Chloe said with a smile.

Beca had watched the whole interaction between the two and she felt…. Hot. Like really hot.

She wasn't used to people sticking up for her and in such a protective way made Beca feel wanted and cared for.

It was hot.

Before Lindsey could even respond, Chloe felt soft, but determined lips against her own as Beca pulled her back into a heated, definitely-not-PG kiss.

"Damn, that was sexy," Beca said pulling back and staring into Chloe's eyes as she heard Lindsey stomp off with a slew of curse words. The redhead was so caught off-guard by the move she was left literally speechless.

Once Chloe noticed Lindsey was gone, she smiled at knowing she may've made her point.

"I think she finally got the hint," Chloe breathed against Beca's lips.

"Go, Red!" Amy shouted raising her drink in the air. The Bellas had watched the encounter but wanted to see how it would play out.

"Thank GOD," Beca said lowly against Chloe's face. Beca's dark navy eyes were hooded with so many emotions that it shot a chill up Chloe's spine.

The Bellas rejoined the two on the dancefloor with whistles and cheers to Chloe for telling the bitch off. Beca would've expected Chloe to join Aubrey who was very into showing off her dance skills right now, especially after Beca randomly kissed her on the dancefloor, but she wasn't expecting Chloe to cling to her side like she was.

"I'll never be able to top the mixes my girl DJ Becs does of this song, but it was a request from hers truly, so I suppose I will give it a shot," David yelled into the mic pointing towards a blushing Beca as he queued up the beginning beats of Titanium.

"He wasn't supposed to say I requested it…. Fucking idiot," Beca blushed as she heard the Bellas chuckling.

"And just what are you trying to accomplish with this request?" Chloe grinned knowing how flustered the brunette was.

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