Chapter 12: Word Vomit

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"Why does she wear that ring then? She wears it like all the time," Beca questioned. It had been absolutely driving her crazy and the redhead had given her no indication of what it meant.

"I'm not telling you that, I've already told you enough!" Aubrey laughed back; it was honestly adorable to her how much Beca cared about Chloe. Beca had never been able to move on from Chloe and Aubrey knew that better than anyone.

"Fine, now about that call earlier, did you get the paperwork straight?" Beca said turning to business.

"I've put all the legal documents together, but the restraining order should go through in a few days," Aubrey concluded.

"How absurd is it that I have to put a restraining order against someone?" Beca shook her head wondering how things how played out this way.

"Not just someone, Beca. Lindsey is crazy, she's saying you were harassing her at the bridal shop," Aubrey rumbled. She hated that the crazy bitch had put Beca in this predicament. "Don't worry though, when this plays out that crazy whore won't be allowed within 500 feet of you, or any of us."

"I trust you, Aubrey. I know you've got it covered, I just never want to see her again, but as my luck goes…" Beca mumbled lacing the rim of her, now empty, gin and tonic. Her head was starting to feel a little buzz.

"I know you do, now please talk to Chloe, OH! Or better yet, SING to her! She would love that!" Aubrey squealed.

"Maybe I will if it will make Chris back the fuck off her," Beca sulked looking to see Chloe, Stacie, Jess, and Amy on the dance floor. They had been taking breaks in-between karaoke for dance songs. "Jesus Posen, are you trying to get me wasted?" Beca said taking the next shot Aubrey handed her.

"Sure am, you deserve to cut loose sometimes, stop being so moody and lose that hoodie," Aubrey said standing and pulling Beca's zipper down on her hoodie and pushing her back to their table.

"Fine, fine, but don't make me suffer through listening to you and Jesse singing 'I Got You Babe' all dough-eyed again, I almost pulled a new puke gate last time," Beca gagged as she approached the table everyone was sitting around, except the girls on the dance floor.

She wasn't as uncomfortable as she thought she would be, but that was probably the liquid courage she had in her system now.

Beca felt herself being pulled from behind with hands on each side. Amy from her left. Chloe from her right.

"There you are, DJ! Let's smash this!" Amy yelled pulling Beca towards the dance floor, Aubrey staying close behind to make sure Beca was going. Beca tried to cue Jesse for some kind of help.

"Don't even try looking at Jesse – he isn't going to help you," Aubrey signaled at him and he sat back down at the table, Beca may be his best friend, but Aubrey was his fiancée and he was definitely going to listen to her.

"Smash what, Amy? Your dance moves are smashing it enough for all of us," Beca grumbled as she now stood in the middle of the floor and they began dancing to Usher and Ludacris's 'Yeah'.

"Beccccaaaaaaa…. Whatsa wrong? You disappearedddddd," Chloe pouted protruding her lower lip turning to take both of Beca's hands.

"Oh yeah – you're on ginger duty! We've been feeding her shots since we walked in to congratulate her on the song," Amy shrugged and turned to dance with Stacie.

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